Sherrod Brown has a 1/1024th chance of being attacked by #MeToo ahead of midterm elections – IOTW Report

Sherrod Brown has a 1/1024th chance of being attacked by #MeToo ahead of midterm elections

Sexual assault claims against Dem Sen. Sherrod Brown put his post-Kavanaugh hypocrisy on display.

It’s amazing how putting a shoe on the other foot can change a man.

Let’s take Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, as an example. He’s running for re-election in a state President Trump won in 2016. The campaign of his GOP opponent, Jim Renacci, claims that he’s recently been accused of sexual misconduct by an unnamed woman.

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Jeremy Pelzer

Now let’s take a look at how this has changed Brown’s reactions to uncorroborated allegations of sexual misconduct.


4 Comments on Sherrod Brown has a 1/1024th chance of being attacked by #MeToo ahead of midterm elections

  1. Being an established democrat socialist, Sherrod Brown is exempt from all scrutiny for any reason, sexual misconduct or otherwise.
    It’s good being near the top of the establishment democrat/socialist food chain.
    Ohio can certainly do better than this maggot.


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