Shocker! Muslim Lied About His Mother Dying Due To Trump Travel Ban – IOTW Report

Shocker! Muslim Lied About His Mother Dying Due To Trump Travel Ban

A Muslim lied?? No Way!

And the news media licked it up? No Way!!

The idiot claimed his mother was turned away at the airport and had to be put back into her wheelchair and she died, or something. (I really don’t care about anyone’s political sob story. Schumer has done all my crying for me.)

An Imam in Dearbornistan blew the guy’s story, telling Fox news that the woman died way before the travel ban.

Nice try, moron. Way to use your dead mother for political means. You’re a born leftist politician.



12 Comments on Shocker! Muslim Lied About His Mother Dying Due To Trump Travel Ban

  1. You’ve got to be taught
    To hate and fear,
    You’ve got to be taught
    From year to year,
    It’s got to be drummed
    In your dear little ear
    You’ve got to be carefully taught.

    Dianny, I thought your article on “Racism” Dec 2014 was well thought out and well stated!

  2. My neighbors remodeled their house and turned the basement into an apartment. They have a new renter, a black guy from the Congo who works at and attends the local college. I just googled statistics on religion in the Congo (80% Christian, 10% muslim) so probably no reason to get my ire up unless…

  3. @Billy Fuster February 1, 2017 at 8:10 pm

    What type of third world, wilderness, hell hole have you been banished to, that “people” living close enough to you to be described as “neighbors” would be allowed to alter “the basement into an apartment”? I hear the ACLU is flush with cash, this week. And your rights are clearly being literally murdered. Somebody need a-sue’in!

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