Should John F. Kennedy have been impeached? – IOTW Report

Should John F. Kennedy have been impeached?

American Thinker/ John D. Dingell III

The striped pants and skirts at the State Department are howling mad about Rudy Giuliani conducting an independent foreign diplomacy operation in Ukraine.  Since quid pro quo hit the rocks with President Trump’s release of the transcript of his July 25 telephone conversation with Ukrainian president Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelensky, the Democrats — along with their puppet masters in the press — have seized on Giuliani’s efforts as alternate grounds for impeachment.

Media reports of Giuliani’s efforts in Ukraine somehow gloss over the simple fact that he was — and is — operating under the direct authority of President Trump, the commander-in-chief of the Executive Branch.  There is nothing illegitimate in Giuliani’s efforts.  He has a mandate from the very top of the United States government.  The efforts of the foreign policy elites to frustrate Giuliani and Trump are the illegitimacy.  Their authority also derives from President Trump, not some divine right of bureaucracy.  They have no legitimate claim to superior authority over foreign policy in general, nor Giuliani’s efforts in particular.

The sad souls who believe the foreign policy elites’ derogatory interpretation of Giuliani’s efforts are ill educated in history.  Presidents have frequently used unofficial emissaries as conduits to foreign leaders.  President Trump is not the first president to circumvent the official foreign policy apparatchiks in the State Department.

A relevant historical example is President Kennedy establishing a back channel to the Soviets — before he even took office — through his brother, Robert F. Kennedy.  RFK became attorney general in JFK’s administration but never held a remit in foreign policy — circumstances not dissimilar to Giulani’s. read more

6 Comments on Should John F. Kennedy have been impeached?

  1. Probably for more than one reason. A lead lobotomy was the best thing that ever happened to his political career (though it didn’t do much for his continued existence) because it is nearly impossible for society to view a martyr objectively. The press have spent every single moment since his death re-making him into the greatest leader in the history of the known universe, but in reality that wasn’t the case at all. He was a chronically indecisive man who happened to have one of the greatest speechwriters in American history.

  2. No President in our country’s history had more private citizens working on his behalf than FDR. He circumvented Congress and his own Party with dozens of unofficial emissaries during the years he was in office. This would include his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt and several of his sons. None of his political adversaries or the mainly conservative press attempted to have him impeached for this common practice.

  3. Good luck with the hypocrisy charge against Democrats. It never works.

    As Chris Plante is fond of saying, ‘ were it not for double standards, Democrats would have no standards at all.’


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