Shrillary Rotten Clinton Redefines the #MeToo Movement – Will Sycophants Stand For It? – IOTW Report

Shrillary Rotten Clinton Redefines the #MeToo Movement – Will Sycophants Stand For It?

This latest story should put a shovel to Hillary for good. “Should.”

In a world devoid of leftists and limp-wristed conservatives she’d be gone long ago, but she’s still around, like the horror movie monster that just won’t die. Let’s see how Hillary sycophants respond to this one-

In 2008, male campaign staffer, (“spiritual adviser) Burns Striderwas accused of sexual harassment by another staffer.

Hillary, according to her own accounting, took the allegation very seriously. She recommended that Strider get counseling and docked him a few weeks pay.

Then she reassigned the complainant to “Siberia.”

When the NYTs published the account, Hillary’s response was –

A story appeared today about something that happened in 2008. I was dismayed when it occurred, but was heartened the young woman came forward, was heard, and had her concerns taken seriously and addressed.

I called her today to tell her how proud I am of her and to make sure she knows what all women should: we deserve to be heard.

Take this as a warning, women. Queen Shrillary will “hear you,” and then deal with your concerns, and address them in the Clinton way.

Strider was kept on the job for 5 more years. The woman was immediately bounced.

I love how Hillary shoehorns in the fashionable buzzwords, like “we deserve to be heard, ” but rings as authentic as Jeb Bush saying he’s “woke.”

Story HERE.


12 Comments on Shrillary Rotten Clinton Redefines the #MeToo Movement – Will Sycophants Stand For It?

  1. This reminds me of Bill Clinton’s spiritual adviser, the “Reverend” Jesse Jackson, in the wake of the Monica Lewenski scandal. About the same time as his multiple affairs and bastard children were revealed.

  2. From Africa Bob: “The bitch will pay for everything soon.”

    No Bob, she’ll skate. She was a lawyer. He husband was a lawyer. Obama was a lawyer. A whole shitload (most) of the top tier at the FBI are lawyers.

    See a pattern?

    Martha Stewart wasn’t a lawyer. She lied to the FBI during questioning and did time for that. Know why? She wasn’t a lawyer.

    So you and every body else just need to adjust your expectations about consequences for these reprehensible motherfuckers that have committed felonies, abjured their sworn duty to this nation, and conspired to thwart the result of an election.

    If you want justice, nothing but the loss of your own life stands between you and that. Shoot them in the head.

    Be aware, this is illegal. I cannot go so far as to say it is immoral. The government will be predisposed to kill your for trying.

  3. If this guy was Shill’s spiritual adviser than of course she didn’t fire him! Look at the kind of sick depraved people she takes money from and pals around with. If you AREN’T sexually abusing or harassing someone, you’re doing it wrong.

  4. You know what gets my fucking goat? Nobody, nobody, in the feminatzi movement, or the liberal press, have come to the aid of Nikki Haley. This lady is being disparaged by an ugly, despicable, motherfucker and not a fucking peep from the pussyhats. WTF?
    OK I’ll cool down.

  5. She did opposition research on herself, and concluded she abused a 12 year old rape victim, and covered for her huband’s many accusers.

    She re-branded herself as “A woman and child advocate” the rest of her political career.

    Not surprised by this story. What we don’t know, and probably never will, extends nearly the limits of my imagination.

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