Shut down updates- “Sen. Schumer needs to decide if he wants a [Government] shutdown,” – IOTW Report

Shut down updates- “Sen. Schumer needs to decide if he wants a [Government] shutdown,”

Breitbart: Washington, D.C., is on edge this Friday as Senate Democrats barrel the United States of America toward a government shutdown at midnight.

The House of Representatives, on a bipartisan basis, passed a bill that keeps the government open with 230 votes–and now its fate rests in the hands of Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and his Senate Democratic conference, who would be solely responsible for a government shutdown if it happens. The Senate overwhelmingly on Thursday evening voted for a motion to proceed onto the bill, but now the funding measure needs 60 Senators to vote for it to eventually pass. Since only 47 Republicans are definitely yea votes, that means Republicans need at least 13 Senate Democrats to vote to fund the government.

The Democrats are pushing for this shutdown because they are hellbent on getting amnesty for a significant population of illegal aliens who were recipients of the unlawful Barack Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive amnesty program. The White House and congressional Republicans have been more than willing to offer a deal and proposal to handle this problem, but the Democrats have been unwilling to give up chain migration, the visa lottery, and funding for President Trump’s planned border wall.

Breitbart News will bring live updates here as the country barrels over the shutdown cliff.  UPDATES HERE.



House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said that Republican leadership will send House lawmakers home this weekend, calling Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-NY) bluff on a potential government shutdown.

Big Government- “We’ve passed our CR [Continuing Resolution],” McCarthy said after a House leadership meeting.

The House passed a CR on Thursday to continue funding the government until February 16; the CR also funds the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) for six years while also delaying several Obamacare taxes, such as the medical device tax, the “Cadillac” tax, and the Health Insurance Tax (HIT).

Schumer and Senate Democrats oppose the House-passed short-term spending bill because they want a bill that will grant amnesty to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal aliens.

“Sen. Schumer needs to decide if he wants a shutdown,” McCarthy declared.  MORE

20 Comments on Shut down updates- “Sen. Schumer needs to decide if he wants a [Government] shutdown,”

  1. They’re saying on Fox New’s Outnumbered that due to Senate rule the government will shut down now.

    I wonder how rank and file Democrats feel about sacrificing CHIP insurance for children for 6 years on behalf of 800,000 illegal immigrants who Obama kicked down the road?

  2. Maybe I’m not as smart as McConnell, but why isn’t he bringing this to a vote? Don’t we want the donkeys on record as being the source of the problem. If it doesn’t get voted on you know those traitorous bastards will blame McConnell and say they had the votes, but we never had the opportunity to actually vote.

  3. Speaker Ryan, “The House did its job.”

    Wrong, the house did a half-assed job by passing a continuing resolution to fund the government until February, not a budget. Kicking the can down the road is not doing your job.

  4. Trump calls the Dems’ bluff bigly:

    If Schumer blinks and folds, Schumer loses his last bargaining leverage. Neutered and irrelevant in future showdowns.

    If Schumer shuts it down over Amnesty For Unlimited Millions Of Illegals, Trump will win the PR contest. Trump will literally eat the Dems alive 24/7 on TV, internet, Twitter.

    Schumer is trying to bluff the guy who brought 4 of Bill Clinton’s rape accusers to a Debate and seated them across from a clearly guilty and humiliated WJC. That night was the beginning of the Feminist Left’s turning on Bill as just another serial molester.

    The Dems still have no idea who they’re up against.
    Trump wins either way.

  5. Shut it down. WGAF?!
    And stop payment for any check written for CA, NY and IL this week.

    We deplorables in flyover lands want to see those in shitholes drown in their own caca.

  6. Fox Biz kyron says Trump, Schumer Meeting Now.
    Should say Trump Rips Schumer’s Head and Shits Down his throat.

    Hey Chuck. What do you think your voters will think of you after they see these photos with that sheep?

  7. It really boils down to Daca Vs US Military Veterans and active duty members. Who’s side do you want to be on? The demorats have already lost in the court of public opinion, despite what cnn ad msnbc say.

  8. Unlike 2013 when Obama weaponized the shutdown and made a BIG production out of making people’s lives difficult even if it does shut down tomorrow we will all wake up and the sun will still rise.

  9. I work for the FAA in a position considered “non-essential.” Not ATC, not ATSS. This means I will stay home in the event of a shutdown, without knowing what my next paycheck will be. Nonetheless, I hope DJT stands firm and doesn’t cave in on the so-called DACA.

  10. NIdahoCatholic- I know that sucks. The same thing happened to my dad [Satellite Broadcasting] when 0bama threw a fit and shut down the gubmint last time. He still had to work but was never paid for it.

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