Shut up! Shut UP! SHUT UP!!!! – IOTW Report

Shut up! Shut UP! SHUT UP!!!!

41 Comments on Shut up! Shut UP! SHUT UP!!!!

  1. What is up with the hashtag #WeAreNotAfraid ?

    That’s total bull shit. You’ve been afraid for so many years that you’re paralyzed and have done nothing but appease these people.
    America should have not only replaced the Churchill bust to the White House, but taken the big statue outside your parliament that looks over the slain. You are no longer representative of a free and fearless people and Winston is rolling over in his grave.

  2. @mja
    I guess we can’t be too harsh on Londoners about their mayor. After all, Americans elected a muzzturd president to two terms. Btw, that was appeasement, too. It certainly didn’t work for us, either.

  3. I have total apathy for most of Europe. They’re committing suicide. They’ve chosen this, therefor, there is no more sympathy that should be given until they revolt against their leaders and kick out muslims.

  4. Teresa May says “we are not Afraid.” Easy to say when you’ve got MI5, MI6, Special Forces, Snipers, walls, fences, armored cars, swat and loads of police protection.
    What did the people on the bridge have?

  5. I was in London six years ago when a bunch of Muslims ran into the restaurant and started screaming Allah Akbar and reaching under their clothes as if to set off a bomb vest. Those damn Brits were scared shitless. They sank into their chairs and were petrified with fear. Europeans are pussies. I later told a cop if that had happened in Texas, their guts would have pumped full of lead. He gave me the strangest look.

  6. @a non a moose, I noticed Theresa May scuttled out of the Parliament building ASAP; meanwhile a Tory stayed and tried to save the police officer, getting covered in blood in the process.

  7. @3rdTwin. ^1000^
    NATOs looking “more obsolete” with each unanswered attack. Perhaps Montenegro will take the fight to the enemy. Mattis needs to drop this idea and focus. He’s obviously been away from the battlefield too long.

  8. As I recall we beat the red coats twice and pulled their chestnuts out of the fire in WW I and WW II. I don’t believe that they can mount much of a defense against the Muslim Horde invasion! They are toast!

  9. I gotta QOTD for ya right here:

    CUT OFF All Social Benefits To Filthy Mohammedan Savages
    MONITOR All Filthy Mohammedan Savages
    DEPORT All Filthy Mohammedan Savages

    There, that oughtta do it

  10. Theme of this thread? Don’t come crying to us this time. We aren’t listening.
    It’s not a nation against nation thing this time. You willingly accepted and dragged the Trojan horse into your nations. The stupid shall be punished and we will continue to vacation stateside. We’ve got our own leftist idiots to deal with.

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