Singer in band calls out texting girl in front row – IOTW Report

Singer in band calls out texting girl in front row

I am thrilled that the singer in Disturbed did this.

Yes, I can hear the counter-arguments now,”she paid her money, she can do what she wants.” -But not free of ridicule and consequence. There’s no right to that.

There’s a reason people do not like texters that are disengaged from their immediate surroundings. These are most likely the people who aren’t paying attention when they drive, and we’re seizing the opportunity to get our pound of flesh before they kill us out on the road.

See the dopey girl after the



14 Comments on Singer in band calls out texting girl in front row

  1. I remember when the small hand-held video cameras were all the rage.
    You had parents filming everything instead of just living and enjoying the moment.

    Now you have the same thing only ten times worse.
    Assholes sticking their phones in the air filming instead of living the experience.

  2. if they are that boring, why did she pay money (or a date for her) and go to the show…why not go to another social venue and text her heart out…stupid bitch, no cure for dumb…

  3. I don’t really think it’s too much to ask for someone to pay attention during a live performance. I don’t care for the potty mouth/expression on either side, but good on him for breaking that fourth wall on the deal.

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