Sister Rosetta Tharpe – Documentary – IOTW Report

Sister Rosetta Tharpe – Documentary

The more I watched the more I wanted to know about this amazing performer.

Sister Rossetta Tharpe Stamp

Where’s her movie, who’s celebrating her life?


10 Comments on Sister Rosetta Tharpe – Documentary

  1. Hey, Dr. Thanks for turning me on to Sister Rosetta . . . fascinating. Amazing player. Never heard of her before.
    I’ll have to watch the whole documentary tomorrow.
    Do we have that kind of talent today?

  2. Can’t see if the link is the same documentary that was done on American Masters (PBS), but if not, then that’s also one you should see.

    She was an amazing woman, with an amazing talent who was on fire for the Lord. Pisses me off no avail because if it hasn’t happened, the Queer Museum wants to induct her as allegedly at some point in her life (all conjecture, mind you) someone saw her in the bed with a woman so now her life and talent are being overshadowed by rumors of lesbianism.

  3. The one time someone can post “Never heard of her” and BFH will not go crazy!
    Seriously, a great choice next February if your child has to do a Black History Month project. Wish I knew about her when my children were doing theirs.

  4. I loved the story. First time I ever heard of Rosetta. Just let’s you know how much the media reported years ago.
    Now every fucking rap jack motherfucker is in the society pages of the Times. Even if he or she is a rapist. a thief, a child molester, or a democrat.

    I really enjoyed that video. Thank you Dr.Tar.

  5. Beautiful Talent…….a ground breaker – a forerunner !

    She brought more people to Christ than people obama brought illegally in into the Country.

    Sister, using the Talents God Gave her.

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