Site Info -Please read regarding links in comments – IOTW Report

Site Info -Please read regarding links in comments

Comments with links will be pending approval. Sorry for inconvenience, but the spammers have been brutal.

For the record, I would have no problem giving the death penalty to these mfers.

Also, if you want to put in a link.

Remove the .com and tell the people to copy it into their browser and add it.

177 Comments on Site Info -Please read regarding links in comments

  1. So you don’t need the hit squads we’ve formed all over the world for you?

    We were about to take out over 200 of them tomorrow and sell their homes for $1 to the first homeless people we came across.

  2. we are the most open and free site in regards to comments, requiring no registration or sign-in, or anything, yet, you think the site sucks because we are combatting spam.
    Okay, whatever.
    No one will miss you.

  3. THANK YOU, FUR!!!!

    It usually takes me an hour or more per day to scan all comments and delete these spammers and bots. I don’t know what to do with all my free time now!!! LOLOLOL

  4. Note, they just don’t delete Anonymous posts, they delete named & known name posts, for various reasons. At this time I will not say too much more on this matter, except for any freedom of speech is subject to being removed at their discretion & they remove a lot.

    Every site has that option. But your implication is bullshit. We remove what can get us deplatformed, and when a lefty begins to simply troll with the intention of being an asshole. Why would that bother you? – bfh

  5. @Anonymous

    And yet, your comment is still present, which kinda refutes your argument.

    “This is why I hate people”

    Years ago a wild old sage gave me some advice,”There are 2 kinds of people in this world…………..avoid them”.

  6. Hey how did I get that thumbnail pic? tweren’t me.

    For everyone that doesn’t have a gravatar pic, the program will assign one to you. May not be permanent, but Fur it trying out a few things. – Claudia

  7. Anonymous
    MARCH 9, 2022 AT 1:46 PM
    “Note, they just don’t delete Anonymous posts, they delete named & known name posts, for various reasons. At this time I will not say too much more on this matter, except for any freedom of speech is subject to being removed at their discretion & they remove a lot.”


    It’s THEIR Site.

    So it’s THEIR discretion.

    You want to build a site, finance it, give it content, and attract commentors, you are certainly free to do so, then you can set YOUR rules.

    Until then, you’re going to have to live by someone else’s.

    Just the way it is, whether you’re talking about this, a business, or a home.

    Be a boss, or be bossed.

    Totally your choice.

  8. I am getting out of my lazy boy CHAIR (don’t get any ideas), setting down my rye, picking up my credit card and sending you a big fat donation, because I like you very much.

    I never go anywhere except church and doctors, so I don’t need much gas. BTW we made 200 poppy seed, nut, and apricot swirl rolls yesterday, getting ready for our Easter bake sale. Order your perogies, 2 lb round Paska bread with a cross on top, stuffed cabbage and pastry early and often!

    Sorry no link. 🙂

    Love you guys.

  9. Anonymous who posted on this page is not one of us so no reason to take his comments at any value. Likely a shill. Or perhaps Larry the Lighthearted Liberal! 🙂

  10. As with any change, even those for the better such as this one, there is bound to be grumble. Grumble, grumble, grumble. That’s OK as long as you don’t keep grumbling for too long.

    @BFH & Co. — Thank you! Too bad it’s necessary, but necessary it is!

    To celebrate the occasion, I’ll even post the gravatar image of the real-life Uncle Al!

  11. I don’t mind BFH you gotta do what you gotta do. 🙂

    Like the Auto Avatar but the one I received has a penis and I don’t have one. No transgender surgery will ever be made to this physical being, I’m keeping what the good Lord gave me. 😉

  12. We used to have a commentor who’s handle was “Too Scared To Use My Own Fake Name”.

    Probably the best commentary right there on the silliness of using “Anonymous” when you’re actually anonymous either way, so the only thing you gain is adding confusion if someone wants to extend on whatever point you’re trying to make, almost like you’re unwilling to take a chance on having to defend it…

  13. “Don’t pend me bro!” Naw, just kiddin, pend away. Every time I click on the links to make money from home I get spammed and still haven’t managed to make a buck anyway.

  14. Huron
    “I made zero dollars sitting on my bony ass. You can too!”

    Old Proverb
    Good things come to those who sit and wait, so long as he worketh like hell while he waiteth.

  15. Zonga I love those things and don’t live near you, pierogi won’t travel very well so will have to make a donation to this site by desktop later on. I don’t trust this phone to spend anything with it.

  16. Hey Fur, I was wondering if you can give up a guesstimation of the percentage of your regular readers that contribute “monetarily” to this endeavor.

    According to analytics we get thousands of the same people who visit every day. So, percentage-wise, I don’t have enough decimal points.

    But as far as regular commenters that we would all know, probably 5%.
    I know the word crowdfunding sounds leftwingish, but in theory it works. I never want any reader to feel the pain. But if every regular reader did ten bucks a month we could sleep at night. It’s a real struggle.


  17. Ask me how I amassed fortune and fame while lying on my back.

    As for anonymous, being stupid is like being dead. You’re the only one in the room who doesn’t recognize their own condition.

  18. I’ve always felt those posters that don’t have avatars were racist, sexist, homophobes, assholes, dickheads, butt-licking dog faced pony soldiers.

    ESPECIALLY the motherfuckers that have been on the site since they discovered the transistor!

    Looking at you Brad & Joe6…

  19. I had a post deleted this morning,under a known name,no reason given yet you proclaim to delete posts under “anonymous” and the pages are filled with posts by Anonymous.
    Which way are you moving here?

  20. Alexb, same thing happened to me. I went back a couple hours later and the post was there. I think to accomplish this it will take a bit of work. I’m cheering them on every step of the way.

  21. The comment was up and someone deleted it? That is what you are saying?
    Or did it never get posted? That is 2 different things. And while we are trying to get the site under control from spammers, I really do appreciate your patience.
    Some post will go to pending, or straight to trash, depending on if the comment looked like spam.

  22. Yes joe. You, I think, put up a comment with a link in it. Or something triggered it to pending.
    But the filter will learn your name and whitelist you.
    Some people really lack understanding of what this takes to do in order for it to be better in long run.
    We could always go to 3rd party commenting platform like 98% of the sites out there.
    We do not want to do that.

  23. And I made a post about the screen name anonymous, and that it will be sketchy at best. We are trapping 100 comments an hour of spam. And I go through it, and yes, some of the “normal comments” are named ANONYMOUS!!!!!!
    make up a fucking name you imbeciles!!!
    I am losing patience. why do you need it to say ANONYMOUS? geezus.

  24. Rich, I promise you that will be looked into.
    As you know, the last edit feature crashed the site.
    So I will have to search for plugin. But we can’t do too much at once because if the site gets hinky we don’t know what it is that caused it if we are doing too much.

  25. It’s obvious Anon has never bothered to read the Constitution or it would have a clue as to meaning of ‘free speech’.

    @Brad, LOLZ you reminded me I have a great picture of this big penis rock I took the last time visiting Germany. Maybe i will send it to BFH later and he can send it to you. .

  26. loco

    I tried your link. fail “This sit cant be reached”.

    So I still have none.

    I have a post scheduled for later tonight (11pm Eastern) about getting your avatar. It has a link to Gravatar. – Claudia

  27. Seriously, jarhead – you have to add the . com yourself. More than once this has been explained here.

    Do a search for Gravatar, at least, and find it that way if you can’t manage to add those last 4 characters to it.

    Goldenfoxx, one is remembering your email and the other isn’t. I have to make sure my email and name are there before I hit post. I do not have autofill on. Sounds like your tablet doesn’t either.

  28. Oh wow man, look at all the colors.

    Hehehe. Yes, you now have R-tard gravatars because after 15 years if you still haven’t figured out how to get one, you kinda’suck.

    Anonymous gettin’ booted….and CRYIN’ about it.

    Plus, no insipid links.

    This is like when a restaurant enforces no shirts no shoes no service. GET OUTTA HERE YA’ BUMS!

  29. Thank you, BFH. Any modifications you have to make to keep iOTWr operating should be very much appreciated by everyone.
    Given the alternative – not having a fair, comprehensive, safe outlet like iOTWr, for conservative readers/commenters is scary.
    So, we should step up our support for iOTWr. Especially, regular readers like me, who have visited this site for many years.

    If you can afford it, a monthly donation is a great idea to help iOTWr financially. This site uses PayPal and I think the instructions for monthly donations is at the end of this thread.

  30. Thanks, gang, I can get a avatar, just can’t get it to show on this site.

    Check back at 11pm Eastern. I have a post scheduled that explains how to do it. – Claudia

  31. BFH: “We are the most open and free site in regards to comments, requiring no registration or sign-in, or anything, yet, you think the site sucks because we are combating spam. Okay, whatever.
    No one will miss you.”

    ABSOLUTELY! About time! Thanks, Buddy…Some other possible suggestions:…A FEE per post of a certain amount of $$$ for this crap…as long as the rest of your posters know about this.

    AND/OR All postings of this nature who do not pay a FEE, their emails WILL be posted.

    See top posting from BFH. This was the ONLY reason I have ever posted on this beloved site where Americans are involved.

  32. @ Burner

    If you have an account at Gravatar with an avatar or two uploaded to it, then all you need to do here is put the email addy you use for the Gravatar account where it says email.

    I have two gravatar accounts because sometimes I want to post under weird names, but I still want people to know I’m not really hiding like some anony coward.

    I am Dadof4, so if you see this post’s gravatar, you’ll know it’s still me.

    It’s as easy as remembering your email addy and putting it where it belongs.


    Just gimmie the green light and I’ll do it.

    No, screw that. I’ma do it anyway.

    People, get ready to cough up 15 bucks for an IOTW yo yo.All proceeds go to this hippy artists dude who has……gak!… Principles.

  34. Donating is really simple, and you don’t have to use PayPal. You don’t have to make it a monthly donation, it can be one time only and you don’t get put on any kind of mailing list and your information does not get forwarded to the RNC either. Speaking for myself, I’d be more than disappointed if BFH threw in the towel on this!

  35. I send Fur a monthly stipend, about as much as I’d pay for a magazine subscription. Oh yeah, a really GOOD subscription like Guns and Ammo. 😀

    I did it originally because I felt guilty that I use Brave to block all the ads, but you mofos are so awesome I’m here every day.

    Bet yer glad I don’t post every day 🤣


  36. I just made $25K last month working on-line from home, from a site posted here from some guy named Anonymous. So I made a contribution to iOTW as a token of my appreciation. Can’t to find another one of those opportunities here. 😉

  37. Brad, yes. You can find the video at onlyfriendsdotcom and toobindotcom.

    Claudia, tell me more tell me more! In the immortal words of Ross Perot, “I’m all ears.”

  38. I’m shocked Unky Al. I thought you were one of those intelligent people that had more interest in what I wrote than some damn dumb characture of what I wish I looked like. I guess not.

  39. Al, what should I sell after yo-yo’s?

    G-strings with the “EBT cards not accepted” slogan?

    Custom painted RC tanks?

    Embroidered shirts?

    Oven mitts?

    Fat bald capitalist smoking a cigar plush toys?

  40. Dang, Brad, now I see that what I wrote was ambiguous. What I’m serious about is not doing that web search.

    Using Goatse as a default gravatar is so extremely ridiculously outrageously out of the question, it hadn’t occurred to me that anyone would take THAT as a serious proposal!

    For the record, I have a mild preference for personal gravatars but have no interest whatsoever of trying to change anybody’s mind on the subject.

    Also for the record, I always read your comments. I greatly appreciate your point of view and sense of humor. Can we be pals again?

  41. Beer mugs are good. Shot glasses, maybe, but they need to be bigger than the 1 oz variety. I like a wooden paddle type of thing for scraping the grill. Not a real hard wood, you need something softer that will make good scraping grooves.

  42. So….zippo lighters. It’s handy, so, its good for you, and potentially dangerous… so good for me.

    And I’m being serious Al. Kazoo? You ain’t even got an empty coffee can to bang on? Hire some up and coming Miami rappers or something.

    Unless you go full primal scream while body painted in jungle colors.

    I’m trying to find ways to scam people out of their money so I can help support Furs drug habit.

  43. @Uncle Al the last time you warned us about looking up something it may have been vagina dentata or perhaps something to do with middle-age overhang or something blue… Can’t remember the word or term but I do remember the nausea. Lesson learned.

  44. @Burr: “I’m trying to find ways to scam people out of their money so I can help support Furs drug habit.”

    Why not just ask people to send him the drugs? We’ve got his PO box, after all. Just ask them to please write NO DRUGS IN HERE on the outside of the package.

  45. And I don’t even remember how I got my avatar on here. Where’s the contribution link? XO

    Contribution link is the dollar bill folded like a heart. It’s near the top of the page on the right. – Claudia

  46. Because it’s more fun to sell desirable collectibles.

    Sending drugs is just like sending money. Charity. Gah. GAK! Ptooie. By the unholy black balls of St. Lucifer no charity will ever move me to part with my filthy ill gotten lucre.

    However, I’ll gladly purchase some wildly overpriced bit of merchandise to support……art….dudes. Whatever. That way everybody wins. Fur gets profit(I love that word so much) and the consumer gets a bobblehead or whatnot knowing their purchase supports whatever the hell it is that we’re doing here.

    Commerce uber allies.

  47. @Burr — Ooh! Ooh! I’ve got it! Rolling advertising!

    Jeep¹ spare tire covers

    1. And Hummers and Land Cruisers and any other off-roadish vehicles that only about 0.5% ever have anything other than pavement beneath their wheels.

  48. Would you be a mensch and look up custom engraved flip flops? I just realized you live in Americas wang. Flip flop capitol of the world.

    We don’t really do flip flops in Arizona. I’m contacting Duncan yo-yo’s to get a promotional deal.

  49. @Burr — I think you just sort of tossed out “bobblehead” without thinking through just how wonderfully profitable those could be.

    Just think — we could have an American Jesus bobblehead, and a “Hoped up” Lysander Spooner Uncle Al bobblehead, and a red bikini clad Zonga bobble…head, a TRF bobblehead with its tongue flapping in the slipstream.

    Hey, kids! Collect the WHOLE SET! Only $19.95 each plus S/H.

  50. O.K. I’ll follow through with the yo-yos and begin looking for bobbleheads. You do the flip flops. Cuz’ I’m not sure you’re aware of how many sizes you’ll have to get…. zippos are easy.

    Operation Money Vacuum begins mañana sometime around 11-ish’ followed by a siesta at 1.

  51. How about IOTW crypto currency — could replace Brandon’s crummy dolla’ and become the new global currency!

    Zonga bikini bobble head? sheesh! Don’t they make bobble boobs?

  52. The flip-flops would sell well amongst the Floridian IOTW crew. I wear ’em around the house ’cause they’re easy to slip on and off, and being and being a geezer with flat feet I buy flip-flops with orthotic soles.

    I figure about six or eight sizes should be enough. It’s not as though if you get ’em too small they’ll pinch your toes, right?

  53. Pens and pencils? People don’t write shit no more!

    Side story… some woman saw my grocery list and proclaimed whomever wrote it had the most beautiful handwriting.

    “That’s incredible!”

    “Thank you.”

    “YOU did it?”

    “Yes. And my hands shake and I bleed out of my ass.”


  54. 3 sizes and make them see-through
    make them 3-d printable and sell the program

    (next week, nike will come out with printing/logos on their soles. I know they read this)

  55. Definitely flip flops over yo-yos – there’s a much bigger market. Don’t get me wrong, I’m yo-yo fan from way back – walk the dog, rock the cradle, around the world and more – but this is about making money for the site. I wear em year round too, for all occasions.

  56. Nah, I’m just breakin’ yur ballz for goin’ all granpa’ on me.

    Will you contact the flip flop peeps tomorrow? Do you want me to?

    Either way we needs to get our money up.

  57. @billyhall2546 ☑ — I like the vertical version a lot more, too, but their online design tool didn’t offer that option. Tomorrow I’ll see if any actual human beings work there in a capacity where I can ask them about it. Stay tuned!

  58. I do not envy BFH in this endeavor, this looks like a major backend overhaul. One step at a time, don’t break the build. Best of luck to you.

    I’m going to email you for your P.O.Box address so I can send a Big Fat Money Order.

    I won’t be getting a Gravatar but I’m interested in a Yo-Yo.

  59. It works, Burr

    Two sets of brackets to remove. One set around the : and the other set is around the . after dropbox. Pasted it into notepad and removed the brackets first.


    One thing at a time. Working on the spam first. Some Anons will slip through … just please be patient. – Claudia

  61. Got a little ways down in the comments from a couple of days ago and decided to skip down before the comments were closed.

    Walked away a couple of weeks ago to lurk on the weekends and it’s the weekend. Not sure if I understand the efforts to improve things, but hope this will correct/end me getting credit for any “anonymous posts/comments.”

    I’m not built for speed and since there was no way for me to prove I wasn’t doing it I figured the walk away with lurking on the weekends was easier.

    Part of this comment is as much to see if the avatar still pops up and I heartily approve of any efforts to reduce the spam and vitriol. Any chance of the edit being returned?

  62. Anymouse, “hope this will correct/end me getting credit for any “anonymous posts/comments.”

    I tried to stand up for you several times. People just weren’t listening! 🙄

    Fur mentioned a few days ago that the edit feature will probably be the last thing he works on, but he does plan on it.

    In the mean time, everyone needs to be patient because the kinks are still working out. This will take time to get everything ironed out.

    Anymouse, keep commenting! We love you!


Comments are closed.