Site note – Dropping links in comment threads – IOTW Report

Site note – Dropping links in comment threads

I’m not going to name names here because no one is being malicious and everyone, and I mean everyone, on this site has their heart in the right place.

I don’t know how to say this delicately.

We appreciate the “we interrupt this thread with breaking news” links in the comments every once in awhile. Especially when they are truly very important breaking news that everyone should be aware of.

But when a thread is used to simply post the stuff that interests you at a particular moment, habitually, it’s not cool. In fact, I’m getting emails about it.

People are here because they like this blog, not the shadow blog you’re creating in the comments section.

Please think about it a bit and see it from our perspective.


111 Comments on Site note – Dropping links in comment threads

  1. I kind of go in spurts with my comments, but I truly appreciate this site. It’s sort of comforting to be surrounded with people who think the way I do. Thank you.

  2. I did not put this up to dissuade someone from putting a link to something in the comments. If it relates to the thread, GREAT.
    If it somewhat relates, FINE.
    If it doesn’t relate, but it’s real important breaking news, we appreciate that, too. We all do.
    If you do it sometimes… that’s okay too.

    When it’s 90% of your comments, no.
    There isn’t that much breaking news.
    At that point you’re simply saying, in effect, “I have more interesting things for you to see than what you’re here to see.”

    It’s kind of insulting. In fact, it’s the hat tippers on the stories that are emailing me and asking me to do something about it.

  3. The thing I love about the comments section here is the engagement between readers. Link-dropping isn’t engaging with your fellow iOTW pals. And, like has been said, I skip clean over them like fast-forwarding over commercials.

  4. @Engelburka Engelburka – I don’t think there’s much guessing involved here. And BFH, you’re doing the right thing in the right way. What we’ve been seeing is a venial sin, a far cry from a mortal one. Sort of like a dear friend, someone who’d give you the proverbial shirt off his back, but who burps loudly at the dinner table.

  5. I’d like to encourage lurkers and readers to comment more.
    Don’t worry about spelling, grammar and all that. If you’re foreign, use BING translate. We’ll figure it out. lol.

  6. The thing is, erb, he’s a great patriot!!!
    I love the guy.

    He’s not putting in links to the Daily Beast.
    We should give him a thread of his own that people can bookmark and go to to see his lin…

    Wait a minute…. I may have just stumbled on a fantastic idea!!
    Everyone can have their own thread!!

    Oh wait. That’s Twitter.

  7. I also skip over links with no description. Fur has his email posted for any and all tips (even the 5th grade potty humor!).

    Thanks, Fur, for addressing this. I know you didn’t like to do it.

  8. BFH,
    All of the people who are regulars on this site, are intelligent enough to go to breaking news if they want breaking news. This site should be an escape from breaking news.
    Thank you for helping to preserve what little sanity I have left!

  9. Over at Gab, you get a come on from the whores on Seventh Avenue.
    Following 3K, nobody follows back, Russian bot whores?
    Don’t let iOTW become Seventh Avenue.

  10. What I’ve discovered over the years is that IOTWReport is not a ‘breaking news’ site. If people want that there are a number of conservative sites that are exactly that. IOTWReport is a commenters’ blog; perfect for community, indepth discussion (sometimes). Sometimes just a string of funny quips. Almost always entertaining and provocative.

  11. I may be missing Fur’s point that one particular person has been called out for something that others of us have done on occasion, myself included. but since the ‘bullpen’ has been taken out, there is little choice when we want to post news we believe is ‘breaking’ & interesting to the readers.
    (when I have done it, on several occasions, I always try to put a ‘hijack alert’ in the front of the text)

    Fur, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think you want us to email you every time we have something to share. it would drive me nuts if I was being bombarded w/ stories 24/7 (it must take you most of the day to go through what you get now!)
    & I promise, I will NOT send you ‘tip’ emails regardless, & also promise no more thread hijacks from me. I am taking AA’s advice.

  12. Africa Bob,ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, Plain Jane, yes, we recognize you as a fellow patriot and want to know your thoughts and comments. We enjoy your input.

    BFH, you say things so delicately and nice, so now I’m going to go mushy on you. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  13. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ – No. What you did is fine, plus you leave an explanation on why you linked.
    What we’re talking about here is a person’s excessive linking (sometimes up to 10 on a thread which is usually dropped without an explanation on how it relates, and sometimes it doesn’t.)

    Zonga- I liked the bullpen too. But the site’s structure started to fall apart because of it. (like that Florida pedestrian bridge. WE SAW THE CRACKS!!!lol)

  14. MJA – when you stated that not everything is breaking news… you must not watch FOX News channel. Every time a new show begins it starts with “Breaking News”!!! LOL

  15. thanks MJA .. btw, Washington Post just posted that a giant fart bubble was observed rising in the Pacific Ocean, & believe Godzilla is waking … Women & Minorities said to be affected the most … stay tuned … I won’t post the link 😜

  16. @Disenfranchised Honkey March 25, 2018 at 3:04 pm

    > There are a very few commenters here that I don’t trust.
    > “Anonymous” is one of them.

    Then our work here is done

  17. The Anonymous thing bugs the hell out of me too. How are you suppose to identify one out of 50. If you want to join in on the dialogue we should be able to identify you.

  18. Okay back online the mother fuc cable was off for 5 hours . I call them and told them you guys a 10 minuets to put back my mother fuc cable or the next bill I will pay when I feel like to paying it. So know MJA has new rules no problem sometimes stuff happen and I just want people to know. Because the fuc mother in the media doesn’t care to put important stuff only trump is bad so I will behaved better. I love you guys and I love America with all my hearts. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Ps I posted 2 comment before I read this so don’t get crazy with me know.

  19. About 10 years ago, someone walked down my alley at 3:30 a.m. one Sunday morning and fired four shots into the air right behind my house. Very loud.

    In less than 30 seconds I was talking to 6 neighbors out front along with 2 of my sons. Most of us were armed. With the echoes off the house next door, I thought it was right outside my window at first.

    After the impromptu neighborhood meeting, number 2 son said the cable service was down so he’s going to a friend’s house. Sometimes that service went down so I just checked the router and sure ’nuff, no incoming. Made no connection to the shots fired until the cable guy showed me the damaged area on Monday. Small hole on one side and big ragged hole on the other.

    Damn. He hit it square on.

    We had a cable assassin roaming the alleys.

  20. MJA I’m a American citizens that love America and very conservative I don’t like communist, or socialist. Never will vote DEMS and I came from a socialist country that can’t even write down the name of it because it makes me angry that’s the Americans citizens doesn’t understand that socialist and communist don’t work you have to work for your things nothing is free like the great Margaret thatcher socialist cry power to the people and raise the clenched first .that my mother nurses and my father a engineer and everything was taking from us. Ps take a guess.

  21. MJA also didn’t came through the Mexican border. Like the fuc Mexican I wecame to America the right way.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💯💯💯❤️❤️❤️

  22. @Bad_Brad March 25, 2018 at 4:11 pm

    > How many Bad_Brads are here slick?

    I count 3, so far. But, the beaury of the “@” is that, even without the quote, you know exactly which one I’m responding too.

  23. Guys tomorrow I will be calling each person from the freedom caucus to let them know that I want another person to be speaker of the house because Paul Ryan is to busy sucking mitts Romney’s dick.

  24. @ Africa Bob,
    I think only you can make me laugh and approve of the f word (without the k) especially within the contexts that you use it. You are terrific.

  25. tcth has 2 entries at the top of the site that are updated daily so people can put whatever they want in those 2 places and not go off topic in other entries (tho they still do), guess it works ok. still a moderation burden I guess

  26. If I post a link that is OT or breaking news, I will say so.

    Otherwise the link (with or without comments) will be related in some way
    to the original post.

    If someone chooses not to click on my cool link, well… that’s their loss, not mine.


  27. I just got home from visiting my mom in the nursing home. The guy roaming the halls thinking he is a train made more sense then the last 20+ comments! And I laughed as hard at both!

    I love you guys!

  28. I have the solution!

    On the weekends I pretend to be a security guard and “Youtube” along with many other sites are banned from being able to link too.

    So as I sit here typing this the majority of what might be linked is unavailable for me. Can be very frustrating trying to remember which threads are the ones I want to go back to for the links I couldn’t see.

    Just ban all the links on your computer.

    Well time to go do a round…

  29. Comments are hilarious!

    What about (Africa) Bob? He goes sailing a bit too often and it’s not easy keeping up. Seriously, Africa Bob, seems to loves this country and he’s a great addition to reader comments. Welcome aboard, Africa Bob.

    BTW, Has Bad_Brad been cloned?


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