“SJW” Colleges have trouble getting butts into seats – IOTW Report

“SJW” Colleges have trouble getting butts into seats

WT: Universities known for being hotbeds of campus protest and liberal activism are struggling with declining enrollments and budget shortfalls, and higher education analysts say that’s no coincidence.

Take Oberlin College. According to a document leaked to The Oberlin Review, the school’s student newspaper, the small liberal arts college famous for social justice hoaxes has had trouble attracting and retaining students, missing this year’s enrollment mark by 80 and racking up a $5 million budget deficit in the process. more here

15 Comments on “SJW” Colleges have trouble getting butts into seats

  1. MJA, FUR, all of the contributors

    If you ever need some stock photo stuff from Oberlin college, just let me know. About a ten minute drive. Like to have the kids try to find the goofiest looking person they can find when we drive thru town. Here is the short version of my favorite trip through town:

    Back when I was about 21 maybe 22 years old I shot a really nice 8 point buck while bow hunting with my friend about an hour south of there. I did not have a truck at the time, and me being young and proud of this large buck I decided to leave the head hanging out of the trunk for the world to see. Got lots honks, thumbs up along our trip home. Well I drove right thru the middle of town with my buddy and my freshly harvested buck. The shocked look on these snowflakes faces was just the greatest thing ever. We were laughing our asses off.
    The thing you have to realize is Oberlin college is just as messed up as you think, along with half the town. But it is surrounded by farmland. You can’t drive 3 miles in any direction without seeing a field of corn, or soybeans, something. So there are some good old boys running around. One guy, probably our age was at the intersection where we had to wait on the light. He gave us a thumbs up and yelled ” go around again”. Well, that’s exactly what we did. I drove up and down all the side streets, did loops around blocks. It was just the greatest thing ever. I just wish we had cell phones 25 years ago to capture it. 25 years large I still laugh like an idiot every time I tell the story. It was awesome. Sorry, just has to share my little story. Enjoy your night.

  2. I guess there are only so many lesbians and purple haired transgenders with money and two digit IQs looking to bet a BA in Vibrator Studies from a festering cesspool of a college for $300,000.

  3. Why is the left wing allowed to get away with murder?

    Seriously. Weather Underground tried to blow up the Pentagon, and Bill Ayers is teaching in Chicago.

    They rampage all over America, yet they do nothing. G20 summits, Occupy Wall Street, sanctuary cities. Why is this allowed?

  4. KMM
    Thank you. I have been debating buying one of those shirts the crowder wears with the picture of Che that reads socialism is for fags, or something like that and having a couple of my kids armed with there phones from different angles just for fun. My only fear is that if something were to happen, and things got testy, well if you punch one of them you run the risk of incarceration. You see these non meat eaters are basically functional people with brittle bone disease. They break so easy, your afraid to sneeze on one. And I’m a cripple 🙂

  5. My daughter is a Conservatory-bound violinist. Oberlin is not too far away and would be a natural choice to audition for but there is no F-ing way she’s going to. And it is precisely because of the looney tune stories I’ve encountered about the university and their student body. She’ll have to wade through enough PC bullcrap in her chosen field as it it, not going to amp it up if I can help it! I’m tempted to call the university and tell them this but I don’t think it would really matter.

  6. Would not know where to send dollars and kids today. Afraid to let kids drive through Spokane because they might become infected with Gonzaga radical liberal bias virus. Luckily our kids lived at home during college years so we were able to repel leftist lies hours after lies were told.

  7. Hopefully the law of supply and demand will catch up with these uber liberal institutions. No college is too big to fail. If some entity tries to utilize taxpayer funds to bail these cesspools out then the fecal matter needs to impact the rotary oscillator at a great velocity.

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