Sky Above Israel – IOTW Report

Sky Above Israel

You can’t help but think the Arab world’s problem with Israel is simply jealousy.

Look what they’ve done to the desert land.

The Arabs want back “their” land. If they ever get it back, God forbid, it must be returned to its original form.

This reminds me of socialist/communist doucherods who take over places built by capitalism and raise their arms and say, “look what our system has created.”

Show me a socialist/communist country that started with that system from the ground up.

I’ll wait.

ht/ annie

12 Comments on Sky Above Israel

  1. “The Arabs want back “their” land”

    Doing simple math based on the history of the temples and real artifacts, the Jews have been there for about 5,000 years. Where were the Arabs 5,000 years ago?

  2. Never realized Israel was so gorgeous. Of course, I’ve seen pics of Jerusalem and a few other places in the movie, “Exodus” (long ago), but this video showed the enterprise of Israelis over the past seven decades. It certainly is a beautiful mix of old and new, and one knows Israel has been blessed, considering what the desert look like today.

    Sure wish I had $$$–I’d leave today for an extended stay!

  3. What Israel has accomplished since 1948 puts every other country in the world (since the US decline under obangolo) in second place (I say that as a proud veteran of America).

    Visit if you can. The food’s good, people are friendly, and most the time things run smooth – although sometimes Israeli bureaucracy can be a pain and you run into idiot leftists even there (but they still carry a gun!)

    Not Jewish but I’d consider moving there if hillary would have been elected.

  4. Ever since I saw Exodus, I’ve wanted to go to Israel. No time nor money when young enough to go. Now, no money, no able to walkie much. Happy I can see beautiful Israel on the internet.

    p.s. I really like the music in the video. Tracked it down.

  5. Jealous , Yes Jealous like your Dog watching you eat pizza. The dog can’t make it …so it just stares and Drools while trying to figure out how he can take it !!! He can’t make more though, so if he gets it …It’s gone forever.

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