Smarty Pants – IOTW Report

Smarty Pants

Images from:

1) Old Guy (Violet) Wintertime and Violet is under the dresser with a heater vent.
2) Christy944 (Carpet) This is our neighbors cat who rode my engine to the office 20 highway miles away in a raging thunderstorm. Then he was actually smart enough to sneak into the vestibule crying until some one let him in. He spent the day with me wreaking havoc in my office. There was so much to knock off the counter.
3) PHenry (Yellow Garden Spider) With a zig zag web living over our trash cans. He’s huge. He’s OK but don’t mess with him. Delivers a bite equivalent to a bumblebee sting.
5) Claudia (Sammy) He knows better than to bite too hard when he is “killing” my hand.
6) NAAC (Kilo and Logan) I gotta ask. What college class do you think they’re auditing?
7) RogerF (Bear) Bear in my parents’ back yard eating from the bird feeder he just tore down.

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

  • 10-10, – Critters with their shadows – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY AT NOON.
  • 10-17 Sweetest Critters – Oozing with adorableness or critter couples – theme idea from SNS.
  • 10-31, Halloween Critters – With decorations or dress-up.

Thanks to you all!

17 Comments on Smarty Pants

  1. PHenry

    I have that very same spider who has spun a web above one of my flower pots. Thanks for the photo and the info I’ve been wondering 🤔 what kind of critter it was.

    As always a great way to start a Sunday 🌄 morning.

    Thanks Claudia 😘

  2. Remember to have a Guinness whenever you feel like it. Guinness is great with bacon and scrambled eggs at three o’clock in the morning. Everyday is a lovely day that starts with a Guinness. Ask any Irish Terrier.

  3. Speaking of critters, I got home from work on Thursday and did my usual Daddy-O of the patio routine. Sipping a beer when I noticed a large insect on the table in front of me. No, wait it’s two bugs.

    Preying mantis, mating.

    Then I heard a crunching sound and while they were still hooked up the bitch ate his head off. I was looking at my first wife!

    She dragged him up the patio umbrella pole where she remains at this time. Headless male dropped off on Friday.

    That was Kinda creepy.

  4. Afternoon everyone.

    @Christy944, I’ve been there before and the LOOK he is giving!

    “What did I do?”

    And @Phenry I have never seen a zig zag web.

    Thanks C!

    Have a great and strong week.


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