Smells Like Cover-up: Garland Tries to Shut Down DOJ Employees Talking to Congress – IOTW Report

Smells Like Cover-up: Garland Tries to Shut Down DOJ Employees Talking to Congress


According to Mike Davis, former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, founder and president of the Article III Project, and a former Gorsuch law clerk, Attorney General Merrick Garland is telling DOJ employees — which would include the FBI — not to talk to Congress.

“Attorney Garland Merrick Garland just sent out a message to everyone at the Justice Department, ordering no one may contact Congress,” Davis said. “(My source: Congress.) Why didn’t he order a similar gag on the inappropriate and illegal Justice Department leaks to the media? Coverup.”

Garland tries to cover himself in the letter, saying that this won’t stop the ability of whistleblowers to talk. But let’s be real, when you see this letter coming now, telling people not to talk to Congress, you know what’s being said here, whether they try to put a nice fig leaf on it to cover or not. Why would this be letter going out now? The people talking to Congress are the FBI whistleblowers. You can dress it up nicely but it still comes across like an effort at a cover-up and intimidating to people who might want to come forward. I’m just going to guess it’s not going to go over well with Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) who has been pursuing a lot of these questions.


9 Comments on Smells Like Cover-up: Garland Tries to Shut Down DOJ Employees Talking to Congress

  1. Too bad Congress is toothless. The whistleblowers will just get shivved, and they should know that by now. The miscreants who do testify before Congress wear it as a badge of honor. Like that preening, smirking m——rf——r Strzok. He’s a goddam hero at the CIA. And Thibault will be there with him soon.

    Anybody inside DOJ/FBI who goes to the media does it to plant stories among allies, not to tip them off to internal corruption. And the IG? Please. That’s the most corrupted part of it all, because they’re the ones who ostensibly have the power and independence to clean up the mess, but they cover it up instead. The system has been completely twisted and rigged.

    Grassley, McConnell and the rest will huff and puff, but in the end, they will do nothing. Now I wonder if they held back on Garlic’s nomination for the Supreme Court because they saw a better fit for him at DOJ.


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