Smile, Georgia Democrat Dirt Bags, You’re On Security Camera – IOTW Report

Smile, Georgia Democrat Dirt Bags, You’re On Security Camera


Stunning CCTV video footage of State Farm Arena in Atlanta, Georgia, shows that after poll monitors and media were told counting was done, four workers stayed behind to count mystery ballots. In the video the workers are seen pulling out suitcases containing ballots from underneath a table set up to hide their appearance.

The video evidence from Fulton County was played before the Georgia Senate Oversight Committee, members of the Press, and President Trump’s legal team. More

29 Comments on Smile, Georgia Democrat Dirt Bags, You’re On Security Camera

  1. People who work around security cameras know they are there, but forget them as time goes by. I can’t tell you how many employees I caught stealing from the business with a camera for evidence when they KNEW the camera was there. They just don’t think about the cameras while doing what they do. Human nature, I guess. These operatives thought they were safe because they are so used to the cameras, they stopped seeing them.

  2. They probably planned to have the cameras turned off and someone dropped the ball. Lin Wood has been telling everyone there was video in the arena if only we could get it for awhile warning the GA SOS and Kemp. Using corruptible incompetent people is going to unravel the Biden votes in all the swing states.

  3. The news reader on WSB radio this afternoon was audibly crapping his pants as he reported on this video today. At the very minimum, this blatant felonious fraud should put the kibosh on any big steal they have planned for the runoff.


  4. JDHasty- They deserve witness a protection program. Or at least the feds should hand them some cash and a ticket out to where ever they want. This is ridiculous. The feds give cash to illegals monthly, so why not a patriot citizen?

  5. Does the footage show the water main break?
    Because all the MSM in unison, were claiming that the voting-counting stopped in GA because there was a water main break.
    If that was indeed a lie, are they culpable for abetting in a felony?

  6. I’ll post this in a later thread, if I can sneak it in somewhere.

    I watched a young-ish precinct mangager (a blond-haired woman who spoke like a teenager) give her testimonial to the GA state election fraud committee. Part of her tasks at the Atlanta election center was to “help” create what she referred to (and what those on the committee seemed to understand and agree) “test” ballots; hundreds (thousands?) of REAL ballots that were routinely filled in (for what purpose I could not understand), and were supposed to be “spoiled” so they would not be used. She said that those ballots were placed into suitcases by the Dominion/Democrat election center people. That’s where the suitcases of ballots came from. They weren’t brought in to the Atlanta center, they were blank ballots that, over the course of the many days of operation, were filled out and stored for later tabulation by those 4-5 people who remained at the Atlanta center after they told everyone else to go home.

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