Molly Kearney is joining the Saturday Night Live cast for the show’s upcoming 48th season, and the actor/comedian will be the series’ first nonbinary cast member. Kearney, who uses gender-neutral pronouns…

In this routine she talks about her brothers convincing her name was not Molly and her running around demanding everyone call her the fake name.
Now she demands you use her pronouns. Ummm, whatever you say, Meatbrick.
They had PAT back in the old days!
So this show is tanking and this is what they come up with to boost their ratings? Good fucking grief.
Congratulations….I will probably one of many that will a non-viewing member
Is she trying to subtly channel the late great Chris Farley in the way she talks?
So this is the new generation of Pat. The old Pat was from Spokane and went to Mary Cliff HS, an all-girls Catholic school wife with my wife’s younger sister in her class.
The only name I use beyond male or female is idiot!
I find that crummy shows longevity to be amazing and puzzling.
Nice. SNL will exploit the mentally ill for “comedy” to save their has-been show.
As if 47 years wasn’t a long enough run.
Well, isn’t that just cutting edge?
Nobody’s ever done that before!
Goose-stepping to their master’s drum.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
A waste of band width. Just another non persorn.
My oh my, ain’t she a hefty heifer. Here soeey, soeey, sooey, oink, oink, oink! Double chins are not cool, they make her look like she’s related to Jabba the Hut or Pizza the Hut in Spaceballs.
If there are only two choices, binary and non-binary, doesn’t that make it binary?
It would make a dandy jumbo jet wheel chock.
It’s not human. Wish it into the cornfield.
tolerating things we know were/are wrong got us into this mess
this is also the result of a participation trophy generation who should’ve been spanked
geoff right you are, I’ll take Julia Sweeney in character over that any day!
Didn’t circus freakshows get canned because it was considered cruel to make abnormal people perform onstage for a laugh? Are we witnessing the return of freakshows?
What the hell is non-binary? I s’pose I could look it up.
On the bright side it will probably be the last season.
“Non-binary” is inadequate. She’s more like hexadecimal.
SN what?
Sorry, I don’t teevee.
Shit like this is why.
Apparently SNL has never heard the old adage, “If you find yourself in a hole…”
my Pronoun is NEVER GOING TO WATCH so there…what a unmitigated shit show… way anyone watches this dumpster fire now let alone when the deranged blob comes on as a Comic….LOL
Who tells most “stand-up” women they should be a comedian? I always watch these clips, even for a minute or so, just to see if they have anything remotely funny to say…to prove me wrong…and they never do. A minute and a half in and absolutely nothing. Seems the majority of them are libtards and their unique observations and “wit” are just totally different from people like us.
To help them Suck out LOUD?!
Saturday Night Dead
“SNL hires non-binary non-comic”
That’s about as funny as a sex change
She looks like shit packed in a white garbage bag. If Michael Moore had a… er… daughter… er… son… er… lump of neutered flesh…
I always wanted them to bring back that Pat character, but not IRL.
Did Hillary Clinton have a Siamese twin it/what separated from her/it at hatching day?
I find her depiction of masculinity offensive.
Since when is non binary code for fat ugly chick??
This seems right to me. A show that no longer knows what it is features a person that doesn’t either. Made for each other.
She’s gotta a tough job ahead of her. I’d tell her to keep her chin up but I think she ate it.
“Non-binary” – can’t figure out it’s an “innie” -or- an “outie”. These people are degenerate imbeciles.
You go, girl! Er, whatever-you-are!
“Non Binary” Not a zero or a one. It’s a numeric vacuum. Worthless.
Breaking News
SNL poised to hire a cast member who may actually has a sense of humor
^^^ since when?
There is no such thing as a person who is “non-binary” because there is no such thing as a person who is “binary”. Reproduction is “binary”, people aren’t.
Sooooo … Michael Moore and Rosie O’Donuts DID breed!
Can’t imagine the mechanics of it, but the proof is there.
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Take a look at DryBar Comedy on YouTube. The Provo based club doesn’t sell alcohol and their comedians do clean stand-up. There are brief clips and full performances.
From the club rules, “They let it be known they wanted clean acts, but also made it clear there would be no censorship on what a comic could or could not say; no threat of a hook pulling anyone off stage if their act got too inappropriate. Instead, these were the rules: You’d get paid according to how well you were received by the audience.”
“SNL Hires Non-Binary Comic”
There’s an oxymoron in there some where.
Another SNL talkinghead I’ll never see or hear.
Should have stopped beating this poor, tired old horse of a venue a long time ago.
“SNL Hires Non-Binary Comic”
“SNL Hires Non-Comic Bint”
Fixed it for ya!
mortem tyrannis
izlamo delenda est …
Porn video for Mikey, turkey baster for Rosie.
If yer gonna watch the video, grab a bucket!
I’m not so sure that didn’t escape from the lab on the bottom of somebody’s shoe!
What a joke.
She had 3 chins – I looked carefully. After she swallowed one chin, she still has two. And she can always grow back another chin. She’ll never be out of chins until decomposition starts to work on her.
I knew there was a reason I stopped watching SNL a long time ago!!!!!
Say your prayers everyday!
God Bless us all!
SNL died when they fired Norm MacDonald.
Meatbrick became “nonbinary” after taking a look in a mirror. She knew only other meatbricks would be interested. SNL executives have no shame.
Saturday Night Dead was the midnight horror movie on Detroit TV.
I see. Non-binary means an repulsive chick that can’t get laid by either sex so she just cashes in her chips and quits trying.