SNL- “If We’re Upsetting the President We’re Doing Something Right” – IOTW Report

SNL- “If We’re Upsetting the President We’re Doing Something Right”

When did SNL ever intentionally irritate and upset Obingo?

And isn’t this “bullying”?

SNL writers admits they get ‘a little scared’ of Donald Trump’s fury over their skits but say ‘it’s like we’re doing something right if it’s upsetting him’

  • ‘I get a little scared,’ SNL comic and writer Kyle Mooney, 32, admits of Trump
  • Saturday Night Live have done some hilarious take downs of The Donald
  • Skits mocked everything from the president’s ‘tiny hands’ to the Russia scandal
  • Trump has been openly critical about the show, calling it ‘unfunny’ and ‘terrible’
  • He also deemed Alec Baldwin’s hilarious impression of him ‘mean-spirited’
  • Fellow SNL star Beck Bennett, argued he found Trump’s fury ‘kind of gratifying’

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25 Comments on SNL- “If We’re Upsetting the President We’re Doing Something Right”

  1. I loved the SNL skit where Barack and Regie jumped out of bed and hid in the closet when they heard Michelle opening the door. Hilarious!

    Oh wait… that never happened.

  2. It’s like the campaign never ended with these fools. They keep the same BS going. Hope they keep it up because it shows of deranged they are. Ratings will determine when they return to something actually funny.

  3. What ever happened to that Stuart Smalley guy? Oh yeah. Idiot.

    Back in the day, bits like the killer bees, Lisa lubner, land shark, unfrozen caveman lawyer and the blues brothers were funny.

    This leftist tantrum they try to pass off as humor just isn’t. It’s finger wagging propaganda. I haven’t watched in over a decade. But it was must see tv back in the 70s and 80s. Maybe into the 90s a bit.

    It’s just pathetic.

  4. If SNL actually represents what’s on the minds of the public then we’re lost and Trump ain’t never gonna do anything. (Love to use double-negatives whenever I can.)

    SNL is a double negative, oxy-moronic, time wasting show that hasn’t been funny since Eddie Murray and Joe Piscapo faded away into nothing.

  5. SNL? my rear end, this is SJW. since when does comedy look to irritate a president or anyone in politics? these morons are leftists trying to pretend to be comedians. snj has not been funny since the early 80s. these people are talentless bitter shallow useless left wing hack turds. What kind of a dope would watch this nonsense? hey sjws out there, liberals are a lot of things — one they definitely are NOT is funny.
    Q: How many liberals does it take to screw in a light bulb?
    A: That’s not funny.

  6. @Buck Turgidson:

    …liberals are a lot of things — one they definitely are NOT is funny.

    I’ll disagree but only in the sense that they are not funny when they think they are, but they are funny when they’re trying to be dead serious. A favorite pastime of mine is to laugh at them and see the furious reaction. Now THAT’S funny!

  7. Snot

    Can’t watch it. I was gigging every Saturday back when it was actually funny. I could only see bits of it on break.
    The Blues Brothers is still one of my favorite movies. I can relate to almost every scene.
    Too bad Lenny Pickett still does that gig. It must pay quite well.

  8. They admit their mission is to demean and to provoke the President. Their primary mission is NOT to entertain by being funny.

    If Colbert, Kimmel and Letterman would at least admit that they’d be less despicable.

  9. Watched the first few seasons as a teen, dropped in from time to time through the years and am through trying to see the humor in all their PC,leftest crap! will watch AFV for laughs from now on.

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