Snopes “Debunks” Hillary Smells Like Cabbage Story – IOTW Report

Snopes “Debunks” Hillary Smells Like Cabbage Story


It’s a compliment of sorts when has to debunk your obviously satirical piece , only they didn’t give proper attribution to the original source.  Here

Though it does look like at least one blogger with a following picked up the story and ran it like it was real. But can you blame him? Given all the revelations from WikiLeaks it seemed totally plausible.

26 Comments on Snopes “Debunks” Hillary Smells Like Cabbage Story

  1. I think this was the Snopes contribution at attempting to make all the wikileaks documents appear to be suspect at best to all the lofos that don’t bother reading past a headline. Pick out an obviously and humorously faked email and claim to debunk it as being false while completely ignoring the thousands of damaging emails that are verified as legitimate. Snopes is just illustrating their inability to grasp the subtleties of satire while kissing up to the dems – business as usual.

  2. A lot of people fell for it. I’ve been seeing people tweeting that out in all seriousness for a week now.

    Snopes had to debunk one of my ‘shop images one time. They wouldn’t have had to if some asshole hadn’t cropped out my credits and passed it off as his own.

  3. BFH, you’re #1. From the comemnts on a Steve Sailer thread,”It’s November And Trump Is Very Much In The Race”…

    “Typing Huma Abedin into bing image search and the first auto-complete is “huma abedin and lesbianism”. And here is the first image

    Has Snopes debunked that image yet?

  4. has anyone here gone into a building where a rat got up into the ceiling and died there? The stench is eye-watering. It’s a cross between vomit-inducing putrefaction and a chemical plant with a bad leak. The smell of a dead Rat – that’s Hillary.

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