Snowflakes Have Found Their God – IOTW Report

Snowflakes Have Found Their God


35 Comments on Snowflakes Have Found Their God

  1. The guy has a point. He has a sperm donor and an egg donor and neither one had his permission to be here and suffer through this world. He’s probably suffering through financial ruin, divorce, ungrateful children, bad boss, a job that sucks, no future ahead of him. All he can see is getting screwed over, and if it wasn’t for the sperm and egg donor he wouldn’t be suffering. People like this will eventually off themselves as they see no way out of this messed up world. I know people who did kill themselves, maybe they’re in a better place.

  2. Sadly, arrogant thieving pricks like Bernie Sanders would never ask this. They decide early on that others must bear those burdens.

    btw, Ricky Montgomery is being sarcastic

  3. The result of excessive navel gazing. Every new lent clump is a crisis for a self absorbed brat. When leftists aren’t aborting their children, their turning them into psychiatric morons.

  4. Corona
    April 10, 2016 at 10:42 pm

    Holy shit he’s a fukkin flake with supportive parents. See, this is where Soylent Green kicks in.

    I see homeless people laying around here and there with a dog and a cigarette. (There’s a song in there somewhere). No parents are around or siblings. I had a brother just like Ricky. He fucked his life away, the VA took care of him in his last days. They cremated his dog and then him. He died on April Fools day which is ironic. Ricky needs to either shit or get off the pot.

    /just saying

  5. Wow! I think I’m upset with his parents, too. If they’d have used proper birth control, there’d be one less idiot in America. Perhaps he should see about a retroactive abortion, if he’s so unhappy.

  6. I can relate to this person. Somewhat.

    There’s not a day go by that I don’t wake up sick to my stomach and totally depressed, screaming inside “I wish I was dead. I can’t take no more. Oh, how I had never been born!”

    Then, after throwing some warm water on my face and filling up the coffee maker with water and coffee, I looked up at God and ask, for the millionth plus time, “What are we doing today God?”

    “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.”
    Matthew 16:25

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