So let me get this straight… – IOTW Report

So let me get this straight…


12 Comments on So let me get this straight…

  1. What’s funny is that if various Republicans had been hacked they were likely to be exposed as plotting against Mr. Trump, but they couldn’t manipulate the rules to the same degree the Democrats could manipulate for Hillary. But in the end, I do believe Reince and the RNC fully reflected and supported the choice of its Republican constituency. The Democrat constituency should be pissed off.

  2. So, I gather that IF the Russians hacked the DNC, and the DNC maintains that they also hacked the RNC (even though the RNC deny the RNC was hacked), what the ‘Russians’ found on the RNC was not worth publishing

  3. The DNC, and socialists in general, simply cannot abide the TRUTH.

    They weave their lies, adorn them with their fantasies, and thrust them at the country (world) expecting the same level of gullibility as their supporters. They are genuinely shocked to discover that some people don’t believe their lies and bullshit, and are repulsed by their ideology. They truly believe that people WANT to be their slaves, because of the slavish devotion of their sycophants (which they project onto humanity, in general) and their belief in their own superiority.

    They don’t respond to reason. They are incapable of logic. The ONLY thing they comprehend is pure, unadulterated, merciless application of superior force.

    And – eventually – we’re going to have to apply it to them until the last vestige of their Satanic vision of reality is extinguished.

    izlamo delenda est …

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