So Long Switzerland – Devoured By Progressive Noodniks – IOTW Report

So Long Switzerland – Devoured By Progressive Noodniks

Swiss government proposes paying everyone £1,700 a month whether they work or not in a bid to end poverty… but insists most people will still want to get a job

  • Swiss residents to vote on referendum to guarantee basic monthly income
  • It would be first country in the world to introduce unconditional income
  • Radical plan was proposed by group of intellectuals 

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16 Comments on So Long Switzerland – Devoured By Progressive Noodniks

  1. When you start down the path of the socialism dark side then forever, it will dominate your destiny.

    Hard to believe with so many shining examples of utter failure from socialism, any would even propose something like this.

    What ought to happen is the proposers should be immediately stripped of their citizenship and kicked out. Of course, that what ought to happen here as well. Dare to dream…

  2. Well, I don’t know. That equals USD$1,666/month. This could pay for my apartment loan and maintenance, but not a month’s worth of groceries. I would still have to work.

  3. In the Swiss system, any proposition that gets a few hundred thousand signatures on a petition has to be then be voted on by the entire populace. You may recall that a few years ago there was a proposal to end mandatory military service, it was voted down by a wide margin by the Swiss.

  4. Who will “dig ditches” when they pass a law like this? Socialism creates such dysfunctional societies. This is why western nations have to import hordes of destitute immigrants to do less desirable jobs. Natives know that it’s a better deal to just live off the government.

  5. We should print up and pass around some flyers about this big free-shit-for-every-lazy-bastard giveaway. Maybe America’s progtards can go there and experience the utopia with them.

    Then, we can maybe shut down the borders before the money runs out, so they can’t come back and finish running this country into the ground.

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