So Much For Buying Elections – IOTW Report

So Much For Buying Elections

The left is always screaming about the need to get big money out of politics. But has big spending really translated into success at the polls this election season? c7b6fdead305e61b48adad9de7ff6dc3[1]

 Jeb! isn’t the only one not getting much bang for his bucks.

 Bloomberg offers up a chart that questions that assertion.





5 Comments on So Much For Buying Elections

  1. Every chance they get, the Left decries the Supreme Court’s Citizen’s United decision, presumably under the assumption that the candidate with the most money can sway the voters.

    That assertion may actually be true for the Leftist lo-fos, but this election more than any other lays to rest that presumption for those of us that are more conservative and that actually pay attention – as proven by the drop-out of big bucks Jub!.

  2. Money is a tool.
    How it’s spent is probably as important as how much is spent. It’s a proven fact that “walkin around money” goes far with Black preachers in urban communities whereas it’s never been tried in white suburbs, where slick TV commercials work better.

    The best use, of course, is gov’t “subsidies” to “education” and unions and the like – defense contractors, third-party interlopers, welfare, farm subsidies, lawyers and other assorted maggots, &c.

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