So Much For the Harris Bump – Trump Way Out in Front – IOTW Report

So Much For the Harris Bump – Trump Way Out in Front


Liberal pollster predicts blowout victory for presidential candidate ahead of ABC debate-

A liberal pollster’s latest projection shows Donald Trump securing a blowout victory over Kamala Harris.

Nate Silver’s prediction places the Republican hopeful’s chances of winning the electoral college vote at 63.8 percent, compared to 36 percent for Harris.

Silver’s modelling, published on his blog Silver Bulletin, also places Trump ahead in all of the crucial swing states

He predicts 312 electoral college votes for Trump versus 226 for Harris in a no toss-up map.

The figure is a massive upswing on the 227 Trump secured against Biden in 2020 and even an improvement on his victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016 when he romped to the White House with 304 electoral college votes.

22 Comments on So Much For the Harris Bump – Trump Way Out in Front

  1. Elon did his own poll on X about two weeks ago. Trump 83% Kamala 27%. These partisan polling companies all weight 4 Libtards to one Conservative. The goal is to justify the numbers of the big cheat that’s coming our way.

  2. I just wonder if the Dems internal polling shows a blowout brewing. If so, will they hold off on the big cheat because they recognize it will be too obvious and likely to result in some of their people going to prison? Or are they so power hungry they will go for it?

  3. RickyG

    This is an exact repeat of 2020. These asshole can’t afford to allow Trump in the White House. They know they will be held accountable for their treasonous bull shit.

  4. @Brad–
    “Elon did his own poll on X about two weeks ago. Trump 83% Kamala 27%. These partisan polling companies all weight 4 Libtards to one Conservative. The goal is to justify the numbers of the big cheat that’s coming our way.”

    Absolutely correct!!!

  5. “This poll was taken before Dick Cheney endorsed Kamala…’

    Here’s another family name to add to the list of the Cheney’s, Romney’s, McCains, Bushes, Haley’s. The Sununu’s. A father a son piece of shit duo. It would be awfully hard resisting drill Chrissy right in the face if you saw him walking down the street.

  6. ^^^^^^^^
    It’s not what FOX News is telling us every ten minutes. Last night they had some clown on saying Kamala was way out in front with women on economic policies. Oh really? Who buys the groceries for most households. I hear a woman bitching about how much shit costs every time I go to the store. Again, all this white noise is being created/manufactured to justify the numbers after the big cheat.

  7. Bad_Brad, the deep state is seeding the critical agencies with saboteurs and blockers to thwart as much of Trump’s agenda and justice as possible. They are preparing for the worst.

    They were caught flat-footed in 2016, but managed to regroup and go on offensive in 2020. And while they’ve managed to build their election even more during the last four years. The shambles they’ve made of the country may be too much for them to overcome with cheating.

    I’m thinking their “New Way Forward” is to dump the whole virtually unfixable mess in Trump’s lap, hammer him with massive lawfare and bureaucratic resistance, all the while blaming him for not being able to fix the problems they made. And in the process, they’ll do their worst to make Vance into a radioactive Agnew.

  8. “They were caught flat-footed in 2016, but managed to regroup and go on offensive in 2020.”

    I remember it like it happened yesterday. November 3rd 2020 at 11:15 Pacific, they stopped counting the vote. The wife looked at me, me at her and we both said, Oh Shit. And sure enough. And nothings been done to stop that from happening again.


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