Social Contagion Running Wild in Blue States – IOTW Report

Social Contagion Running Wild in Blue States

Daily Caller

Nearly half of the 1.6 million Americans who identify as transgender are teenagers or young adults, and some of the highest rates of youth transgenderism occur in blue states, according to a new study. More

If you think that’s bad, wait till you see the suicide rates coming for these states. – Dr. Tar

6 Comments on Social Contagion Running Wild in Blue States

  1. Kids are idiots.
    It’s now the cool thing to do.
    In my day it was drinking or smoking, maybe piercing or tatooing.
    Kids are idiots, but unfortunately some of them grew up into idiot adults who also think this is cool.

  2. With no rules, any and all human behavior is acceptable.

    Take a dump at 12 noon on the sidewalk? Liberals will say “How Courageous”. Do it on the US flag and be lauded on CNN.

    Bludgeon your mother with an axe? Don’t blame him – he has emotional scars because his mom yelled at him once.

    Rape your grandaughter? Everyone is entitled to sexual gratification. Who’s to say the little girl didn’t like it?

    Turn queer at 15? Girls didn’t like him because he was a nerd with bad breath, then he discovered he was attracted to other boys…he found peace of mind and is now a very happy queer.

    Abort your child even after its born? Hey, we’re saving the planet – people are garbage and we don’t want more of them.

    Teenage girl believes she’s a wolf. At school she never talks, just howls. Why not? She aligns with an endangered species and helps us understand them. She’s raising our consciousness.

    Libs: It’s all good, conservatives – go pound your bibles somewhere else.

  3. The latest in a long line up of ill advised behaviour:

    Gorilla Glue antics
    Ingesting large quantities of nutmeg/cinnamon/salt
    Eating Tide Pods
    Licking toilet seats
    Snorting condoms


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