Socialism Explained – IOTW Report

Socialism Explained

Brad Torgersen gives the best, most concise explanation of socialism I think I have ever read:

1) Socialism’s ultimate disregard for the dignity and rights of the individual.

2) Socialism’s ultimate disregard for the economics of human nature.

3) The inevitable suffering and misery that results from 1 and 2.

The state that “takes care of” you in the ways you desire, can also “take care of you” in a very permanent, very undesirable fashion as well.

Alas . . . socialism is the irresistible flame to which the well-meaning, ever-hopeful moths are eternally drawn.

Read the full article Here

HT: Chicks On The Right – “So, the question now is – should Bernouts gets their wish and turn America into a full-on socialist country, who’s going to be deemed as “standing in the way”?”


12 Comments on Socialism Explained

  1. Great article. But who reads? Certainly not that moronic Jeb supported who said she would consider leaving the country if Trump is nominated. She will vote for Hillary or Sanders. And she calls herself a “republican.”? Too many LoFos in the country!

  2. That breakdown works fine IF you make this point #1…

    Socialism posits the infinite malleability and perfectability of human nature, coupled with a denial of [call this what you will] sin.

    The rest of the list follows from that. It also explains why the best intentions of socialism always end up as autocracy, theft, corruption, cruelty and mountains of skulls.

    Socialism trumpets the ascendancy of Man but always reduces him to a commodity at best, or at worst a burden to be dispensed with.

  3. This probably goes without saying now that the bloated, near-burst corpse of the Republic is venting the gases of corruption which only the most discerning care to detect much less acknowledge BUT…

    Everything listed above is predicated on the First Cause of denial of God.

    Inevitably He is replaced by a State which has simulacra of all that God has and is: priests and mediators, prophets, provision or denial, answering prayers, blessings or cursings, life or death, judgment, condemnation and damnation, even a form of salvation. All of which flows from the State’s uncontested absolute power over the souls of men.

    A “God” for the godless.

    That’s where we are now, and have been for a very long time. But it won’t last forever. 😉

  4. “… well-meaning, ever-hopeful …”

    This is the crux of the deceit of socialism. Socialists are NOT “well-meaning” nor are they “hopeful” about humanity. The premise of socialism is the enslavement of humanity for the purpose and profit of the nomenklatura and the self-appointed dictator. The lie of socialism is that all human activity must be directed and coerced from the politburo for the “benefit” of society at large, even if a majority of the society at large must be murdered to instill the spirit of socialism.

    Socialism is now so ingrained into the human experience that most are no longer aware of it – just as a fish is not aware of water. It requires a monumental and conscious effort to discern the lies and deceits of socialism – but once discovered, it’s akin to Rowdy Roddy Piper putting on his glasses in “They Live.”

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