Socialism Makes People Selfish – IOTW Report

Socialism Makes People Selfish

Which is better: socialism or capitalism? Does one make people kinder and more caring, while the other makes people greedy and more selfish? In this video, Dennis Prager explains the moral differences between socialism and capitalism, and why anyone who wants a kind and generous society must support one and oppose the other. 

Watch it here


4 Comments on Socialism Makes People Selfish

  1. Socialism destroys the human spirit. Ask anyone who ever visited a Soviet occupied country. ‘Thank you’ was not in people’s vocabulary. Rudeness prevailed in daily interactions. People’s primary goal was finding something to eat every day. They were too terrorized to demand anything from the government. Capitalism thrived in the form of the black market. The only way to survive half-decently was by being selfish.

  2. Socialism is about the Takers, not the Contributors!
    Contributors work for the common good of society to make it healthy and strong, which by the way, makes it better for everyone.
    The Takers have taken the concept of common good and twisted it into the Communist “good”.
    The Host can only live so long once the Federal Tit-Sucking parasites get the upper hand, but then that is also the goal.
    Cloward-Piven 101.

  3. Prager missed it on this one. Capitalism is in fact selfish, but that is not a negative thing. Capitalism rewards self interest. If everyone had a strong self-interest, everyone would be better off. Socialism breeds envy and contempt for success.

  4. Having traveled several times to Eastern European countries I have seen the effects that communism has had on generations of human behavior. Much has to do with envy and envy avoidance. If anyone has good fortune they hide it from others. For example the exterior of houses are very plain but while the insides are usually nice. (If anyone has a nice looking exterior they are vilified.) If asked how things are going people always reply that things are going bad (to keep from being envied). In general people engage in sabotaging each other (even family members) and are not particularly careful if anyone finds out. Since no one calls them out it just continues as a way of life. Religion also plays into this. The countries close to Russia (Eastern Orthodox) are less charitable and civil. Countries closer aligned to the west that have a Catholic heritage (Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia) are better when it comes to charity and civility.

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