Images from:
1,2) John – Refracted images from an iPhone video taken of the partial eclipse here in Chicago. Didn’t notice them until later on.
3,4,5) 1stgenAmerican – Taken in my backyard by the shores of Lake Erie, Willoughby , Ohio. I used the film from the eclipse glasses over my phone camera as well.
6) Peter the Bubblehead – Nanok and Tuukka get ready for the total solar eclipse. – Photos taken from Columbia, NH, three hours from my home near the NH/MA Border. Took us 9.5 hours to get back home as 55,000 other vehicles all made their way to I-93 south – including 4 hours just to crawl 5 miles along the last part of Route 3 connecting to I-93 south. Left Columbia at 4pm, got home 1:30am!
7,8) Peter the Bubblehead – Moments after the eclipse began, and 8) Roughly 50%
9,10) Peter the Bubblehead – Getting close to the Totality, and 10) Last sliver before totality.
11) Peter the Bubblehead – The Totality!
12) Peter the Bubblehead – Darkness across the countryside.
Thanks for these great pictures!
Awesome photos everyone!
Thanks for sharing!
Sky and Telescope material!