Solidarity, or Loosidarity? So much wrong with this article – IOTW Report

Solidarity, or Loosidarity? So much wrong with this article

I used to like JS, until he sent this article.

In solidarity with Trans women, this month you can make a difference by putting your olfactory system to use – while going number #2!

Yes! It’s not a joke. We are sincerely asking all women to please spend more time smelling their poo during bathroom breaks, and to critically examine what many of our gender have to endure as part of the cost of bottom surgery. It is time for us all to do the work to truly empathize with the sights, sounds, and smells endured by every member of our large and beautiful gender community – including those with distinct transitioning odors:

Based on Gram stain the majority of smears revealed a mixed microflora that had some similarity with bacterial vaginosis (BV) microflora and that contained various amounts of cocci, polymorphous Gram-negative and Gram-positive rods, often with fusiform and comma-shaped rods, and sometimes even with spirochetes.

The social taboo around frank discussion of smells is already quite strong, but doubly so when it comes to the ones that can come from MtF neovaginas. If you are a regular on advice and trans subreddits, you know you usually don’t have to wander too far down the feeds before coming across anonymous posts carefully prodding for advice on neovaginal smells, like this one:

[…] One night I was going to go down on her, so she washed her bits before she came in the bedroom and she laid on my bed. I was about a few inches from her face when I noticed a foul smell that I can best describe as stale urine, cheesy, and a bit like feces.

I’ve heard of post op mtf smells, but I’ve read most people saying that they go away quickly after transition. Anyway, I backed away because I was so put off by that smell. She kept asking what’s wrong and I finally broke down and told her what’s wrong.

She was confused and kept smelling herself saying she didn’t smell anything. She said she just washed it too. It’s been a fight between me and her and she’s self conscious about it. I asked if it could be an infection or her hygiene habits, lifestyle, or diet because I know those things can affect the smell of the vagina.

She told me that’s just the way her vagina and all vaginas smell. She told me it didn’t smell like what I described it as and it just smelled like vagina. I tried asking my mother about what it could be and she couldn’t give me any answers because she’s not informed on this topic. I tried asking my gay cousin but she didn’t have any answers either.

I was wondering if anyone in here could give me some advice on this? Do transgender women just have a different smell down there than cis women? Is that just her natural smell? If so, what can I do to get used to the smell? […]

“As I was transitioning, I found it triggering that my cisgender female friends didn’t smell like poo,” the top of the fateful note read. It had arrived by way of the Trans Express.




It’s not a “neo”-vagina.

What are the “sounds” trans have to endure?

“I was about a few inches from her face when I noticed a foul smell” >>> Just where did they construct this ax wound?

“and I finally broke down and told her what’s wrong.” >>> You’re a dude.

If women really wanted to stand, or sit, in solidarity with the men with holes in their crotch, they wouldn’t smell their own poo, they’d smear it into their vaginas.

37 Comments on Solidarity, or Loosidarity? So much wrong with this article

  1. ok. I’m not trans anything, just a woman, born and bred. aww, sounds nice huh?
    anyway, from watching a trans show as they discussed how to construct a opening in a man’s bottom they seemed to say they might have to use part of his colon to make a
    y’know. this is so awful. they use part of the colon that poop goes through for a place that a man can put his most precious part.
    This must be what they’re talking about. A tranny’s fake vagina is really part of his butt.

  2. If you want to screw with the norms of what GOD created you better expect the unexpected.

    It may be His way of saying your transgendering really stinks.

  3. “Orcs were first created from Elves under torture and dark sorcery. Their creation served as an insult to the Children of Ilúvatar.”

    Homunculi. Facsimile people. An insult to God and His Children.

    Abortion, murder of the innocent.
    Trans-whatever, perversion of the flesh.
    Sorceries and deceits in the guise of medicine (CoV included).

    We have tolerated much.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Some pharmaceutical company will feel sorry for the trans’ and manufacture a pill for this problem, market it and make a cheesy tv commercial where people are dancing and singing about how their private parts don’t smell like shit anymore, because peoples medical problems aren’t private anymore. What a world, what a world.

  5. So, bottom line, these perverts all stink?
    Not to mention the bacteria-cocktail (oopsy) brewing in their nether regions.
    No wonder the monkeypox is surging.
    These festering sores need to be quarantined until a cure is found, most likely when they reach room temperature.

  6. “Sacred Scripture itself confirms that sulfur evokes the stench of the flesh, as it speaks of the rain of fire and sulfur poured upon Sodom by the Lord. He had decided to punish Sodom for the crimes of the flesh, and the very type of punishment he chose emphasized the shame of that crime. For sulfur stinks, and fire burns. So it was just that Sodomites, burning with perverse desires arising from the flesh like stench, should perish by fire and sulfur so that through this just punishment they would realize the evil they had committed, led by a perverse desire.” Pope St. Gregory the Great

  7. How do I erase that article from my memory? 🤮 I knew I should have stopped reading it, but it’s like a freakshow you can’t avert your gaze.

    And how did “JS” find this article? What did we do to deserve this? 😂

  8. @srfem65–that opening must be as big as a Mack truck…most of those with that persuasion also have their heads up their ass 100% of the time as well.
    Perhaps Janitor in a Drum will come out with a Trans-Fem hygiene line.
    (Those of us at a certain age will remember that product!)

  9. “Neovagina”? Nah, man, that’s just an inverted penis/colon transplant abomination that even Dr. Frankenstein couldn’t conceive of. Trannies will never be women no matter how much they mutilate their genitals.

  10. I think we need a professional opinion here. Who is an expert shit sniffer? Of course if it was a little dirty, after a munch-a-bunch it should be cleaner, right?

  11. It nice to see all the disgust of this topic here is what the Lord says,

    Amo_4:10  I have sent among you the pestilence after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I slain with the sword, and have taken away your horses; and I have made the stink of your camps to come up unto your nostrils: yet have ye not returned unto me, saith the LORD. KJB

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