Solomon Islands Turns Away from Communist China – IOTW Report

Solomon Islands Turns Away from Communist China


Solomon Islands’ incumbent prime minister Manasseh Sogavare said Monday he would not stand for a new term, ending a seismic pro-China reign of more than four years.

His withdrawal followed inconclusive April 17 elections that led his party to choose foreign minister Jeremiah Manele as its parliamentary leader — in effect its candidate for the premiership. More

This Sogavare fellow has been a real stooge for the CCP. Chris Chappell explains what happened. Here

The real hero of this story, Daniel Suidani who has been fighting the turn towards China for years. Here

3 Comments on Solomon Islands Turns Away from Communist China

  1. We’ll see. Maybe the CIA got something right. Or maybe the CIA was too busy meddling everywhere else to screw up the Solomon Islands with some effed up Regime Change. But the media is definitely popping the champagne corks a little early on this one.

  2. Oh yes… the tales of success and everything equal and plentiful paints a pretty picture until reality hits you upside the head! Totalitarian, sneaky little Communists always sell the snake oil before giving you the knife… in the back! Works almost everytime cuz most people (especially Leftists) never learn!


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