Some at the Media Firing Squad Summit Claim That Trump Doesn’t Understand the 1st Amendment – IOTW Report

Some at the Media Firing Squad Summit Claim That Trump Doesn’t Understand the 1st Amendment

Some media elites are rubbing salve on their asses after Trump called them in for a sit-down and told them, utilizing his 1st amendment right, what he thinks of their biased coverage.

He says they should be ashamed and that they are deceitful liars.

Is there anything wrong with that? No.

What’s the consequence going to be? Is the media going to say, “oh yeah, you think we were lying before, wait until you see what we write now!!!”

Trump’s detractors are saying that he wants a NOKO or Soviet Union type press. Uhh, morons, we already do have a NOKO and Soviet Union-style press, all biased towards the left.

And that used to be seen as a problem by the right. But there are certain NeverTrump sites that are siding with the press because they are gleeful that it’s Trump being attacked.


Here is the list of media a-holes that were at the meeting-



-James Goldston (ABC News president)

-George Stephanopoulos (GMA host)

-Martha Raddatz (World News reporter)

-David Muir (World News anchor)


– Chris Isham (DC Bureau Chief)

-Charlie Rose (This Morning host)

-Gayle King (This Morning host)

-Norah O’Donnell (This Morning host)


-Jeff Zucker (president)

-Wolf Blitzer (Situation Room host)

-Erin Burnett (OutFront host)

Fox News

-Bill Shine (co-president)

-Jack Abernethy (co-president)

-Jay Wallace  (VP news and editorial)

-Suzanne Scott (VP programming)

Fox Business Network 

-Brian Jones (co-president)


-Phil Griffin (president)


-Deborah Turness (News president)

-Lester Holt (Nightly News anchor)

-Chuck Todd (Meet the Press host)

This is a who’s who list of media elites that conspired to try and help Hillary get elected, but we’re not supposed to get upset with them because of the 1st amendment.

Trump could very easily deny access to the white house for all of the media outlets that have a built-in bias against him. That is not denying anyone of their 1st amendment rights, it’s denying them the ability to make money by keeping them out of the loop on breaking news.

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26 Comments on Some at the Media Firing Squad Summit Claim That Trump Doesn’t Understand the 1st Amendment

  1. Excellent. Speaking of news. Maybe Trump will not pursue charges against Hillary, Bill, and some of these crimes have Chelsea involved. Lets say he doesn’t. Don’t pursue charges. Go on the record . List the crimes and it is a long list. All of them, for each. And then Pardon Hillary Bill and Chelsea. Implication of absolute guilt. As with Nixon. Could be devastating to what is left of the Clinton organization.

  2. EXCELLENT! Thank you BFH. Trump cannot exercise his First Admendment rights as President-elect, but George Stephanopoulos. and Martha Raddass, can? These so-called elitists are blind as moles. So entrenched in the socialism and communistic Rules for Radicals, they should be deported as unfit to live in the USA. Putin can use them in Siberia. Russia needs the bodycount.

  3. Apparently those in attendance don’t understand the 1st Amendment since they were front row witnesses to it being exercised and yet still don’t comprehend it. If they were that emotionally offended, why didn’t they walk out?

  4. Excellent, Patronis! Let’s do the same thing with other con artists, bank robbers, immigration criminals…

    No, wait, that last would be amnesty.

    To paraphrase RR, “Mr. Trump, Build Up That Wall!”

  5. Most people don’t understand what the First Amendment actually guarantees. It says:

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

    That’s it. Period. It doesn’t protect you from being criticized by someone, even the President, for your speech. It doesn’t keep your employer from firing you for something you said or posted on Facebook. All it gives you is the right to speak your mind without falling afoul of Federal Law, and there are even exceptions to that rule. Threatening elected officials, for instance.

    Just because someone imposes consequences on you for something you said or published does not mean your First Amendment rights have been violated.

  6. If we don’t destroy this pack of rabid commies they will destroy America if they haven’t already.
    BOYCOTT anyway you can. DON’T Watch the news! Don’t buy advertiser’ s products. Educate your neighbors and family.
    I told my neighbors and cousins about this and other conservative websites they’d never heard of.
    If you do watch the news e-mail them and hit them with the truth and the facts as often as possible. Rub their noses in their hypocrisy!

  7. @Vietvet, exactly. The only guarantee that the 1st amendment gives is that the Government cannot oppress your speech. Yet they think that they have carte blanche protection in all environments.

  8. Patronis, I was struck by what Trump DIDN’T say about prosecuting Hillary. He didn’t say he wouldn’t stop any other federal agency from seeking prosecution or halting investigations already underway.

  9. Boycott yes. I never watch the news. I get everything through reading. Books and online mostly. These Fake Journalists are the ones that do not understand what the first amendment is for. They also have committed criminal acts. Some treasonous. They will never be brought to trial.

  10. Or maybe give hitlery a pass if she becomes a witness for the prosecution when obama is charged with treason, but don’t let her keep her ill-gotten gains in the clinton foundation – return money earmarked for Haiti, and any money grifted from taxpayers.

  11. The FCC used to have regulations restricting how many television and radio stations one person/corporation could own – both in total, and in a given market. It was not a large number.

    They also had regular reviews of the various stations, to determine whether those stations were serving the public interest, or not.

    Additionally, all programming was required to be in the English language only.

    They need to go back to doing all of these things. Under the same standards that were in place in the 1950s.

    Frankly, I can’t imagine that any CBS, NBC, or ABC network station will still be on the air afterward.

  12. I wonder if he went into the meeting with evidence. It doesn’t seem likely he would simply bring them in and drop the boom without specific, devastating nuggets of video or copies of articles and the like. Maybe that is why there is no rush to leak the details. Having it off the record was a great strategy; it goes against everything this pit of vipers would ordinarily do–immediately leak the story details. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t. Ahahahaha!

  13. These MSM folks are idiots and assholes. No one wants the media parroting some “Trump line.” If Trump oversteps his boundaries, commits unlawful or unethical acts, or embarks down the wrong path, most people, even conservatives, would like to learn about it.

    Where the media fucked up is that this is exactly what they did not do with Hillary Clinton. With the email scandal and, more importantly, the Clinton Foundation, the media had an opportunity to truly act as watchdogs in the public interest. They not only failed at this, but they actively helped the Clintons cover up these unlawful and unethical acts. Instead, the media gleefully called Trump a racist and a mysoginist, and characterized his supporters as uneducated rubes and deplorables. The media conspired to try to elect a corrupt, abrasive, abusive and unqualified individual as President, and Trump called them on it.

    This is a warning shot to the media that they no longer have a special place at the table unless they demonstrate that they deserve it by at least trying to be somewhat objective and not actively plotting to restore what the electorate just rejected. There is no First Amendment violation by Trump in doing this, and indeed by calling out the big boys for what they really are, Trump may have advanced First Amendment rights.

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