Some People Take Colonics To Cleanse – I Watch The “Trump Will NEVER Be President” Videos – IOTW Report

Some People Take Colonics To Cleanse – I Watch The “Trump Will NEVER Be President” Videos

Election day fun.

Flashback to all the libs laughing, smug, righteous and self-assured before the 2016 election. Then cut to the results. You can’t get better entertainment than that.

17 Comments on Some People Take Colonics To Cleanse – I Watch The “Trump Will NEVER Be President” Videos

  1. I watch the assholes who laughed a Trump at lest once a month. Great therapy. Steve Kornacki of MSNBC was the most asinine on election night, right up there with Rachel Madcow. Steve has since been promoted at MSNBC.

  2. Posted earlier: If you enjoy above video, you’re gonna LOVE the Netflix documentary “11/8/16”. Matter of fact, I’m gonna watch it every other day until it’s pulled.

  3. Love, love, love election night videos! Also, lots and lots of fun going back 2, 3, 6 months before the election: watching hilly wave to her fans, hug her admirers, pirouette across stages–ALL the time KNOWING that she’d the next president! Behold the beauty of Youtube!!

  4. 2,600 counties to 500.
    That’s ‘literally’ the definition of crestfallen.
    That was the best job ever done whipping/wiping the smug off a face.
    President Trump is the biggest real estate developer ever, living rent free in millions of minds.

  5. Just a reminder that there are 62,500,000 voters in the US that vehemently disagree about what is best for the United States.

    What is most distressing is they preferred a pandering, dishonest, corrupt, inept progressive/socialist to lead this country along the same divisive and destructive path Obama took us on for 8 years.

    It pains me to say, The cancer of socialism (democrat party) that is eating this nation is in remission, not defeated.

  6. For crying out loud, you don’t have to look at 2016 election videos to see the whimpy, fit throwing, crybaby losers. We can’t turn on tv, watch the news, watch football, see an awards program, watch any late night show or regular programming, & etc, without hearing the rending of the leftists costumes of decency, as they throw everything into the hellfire, as they demonstrate their disappointment. Don’t you just love it.

    Cry on babies. We put up with 8 years of pompous, dictatorship. President Trump is trying to right the ship obama caused to flounder. Name one thing of obama that is his legacy: LYING.

  7. I just put together a playlist of campaign highlights, favorite songs that people composed and performed, the media circle jerk that preceded and ensued on election night, etc., for an election anniversary party tomorrow night. It was great fun to go through so many great videos.

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