Some States Will Tax Student Loan Forgiveness Deadbeats – IOTW Report

Some States Will Tax Student Loan Forgiveness Deadbeats

Fox News

Student loan borrowers across the country could soon see up to $20,000 of their student loan debt forgiven in the massive handout announced by President Biden – but it still may come at a cost. 

State tax may be charged on student loan handout funds. The tax laws vary from state to state. More

5 Comments on Some States Will Tax Student Loan Forgiveness Deadbeats

  1. I had said from the very beginning of the Joe Biden scheme that those ‘forgiven’ loans will be heavily taxed. The sly plot was hidden by the corrupt Joe Biden to make it appear as though he’s ‘benevolent’ when in reality he’s a malicious resentful disgruntled unachieved failure and swindler, a sinister people-hating scammer to the very dark corners of his core, and as his polluted history reveals. Amazing that such a dry husk of a person can hold so much evil in its gut. One day he’ll take all that darkness and his withered soul to the very place in the eternity pre-destined for him where no one will hear him scream.

  2. Just like Social Security is taxed. They give on one hand and take on the other, it’s especially galling they tax you until you are 66 on the retirement money you and your employer have set aside since the day you started earning. They even tax SS Disabilty payments.

    So suck it up buttercups, welcome to the real world.


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