Something’s In The Water – IOTW Report

Something’s In The Water

Researchers at the State University of New York have been testing bottled water from 11 different nations (including the U.S.). They’ve been looking for minute pieces and filaments of microplastic, some so small that it may cross over into our blood stream. Of the nearly 260 bottles analyzed, they found particles of plastic in 93% of the samples.

Most of the plastic that was found is the same as the what is used in the caps on the plastic bottles. So the contamination may be coming from when the bottle is opened. Experts are unsure of the health effect on humans of ingestion microplastic, “they are known to absorb hormone disruptors and heavy metals.”  More




10 Comments on Something’s In The Water

  1. @Annon Good point. This report had me thinking long and hard about the twist off cap on the milk, juice and soda bottles.

    At least beer and booze doesn’t come in plastic, yet.

  2. I just read an article the other day about how krill “digest” plastic. But they can’t turn it into something organic, they just grind it into smaller, micro particles. The problem for humans, I suppose, is if the plastic crosses the blood/brain barrier.

    We shouldn’t be eating stuff that comes in plastic containers anyway. If you want milk, buy a cow! LOL!

  3. Dr. Tar,

    Let me burst your bubble. Booze does come in plastic. All the stores in Ely, MN carry it because if you plan on taking any into the Boundary Waters you have to buy it in plastic which you are required to bring back out at the end of the trip. NO GLASS BOTTLES allowed, but seeing as how you have to bring all you garbage back out with you why the hell can’t you take in glass?


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