Something’s Missing From This Trailer – IOTW Report

Something’s Missing From This Trailer

The new film, “Suburbicon” is suppose to be a commentary on today’s America. According to director, George Clooney, “It’s probably the angriest I have ever seen the country…There is a dark cloud hanging over our country right now” and his film set in 1950s suburbia is suppose to be about that anger (Hollywood does this all the time, use the past to try to tell us how awful we are today).

The movie is suppose to be “based on the true story of William and Daisy Myers, a black couple who moved to Levittown, Pa., in 1957 and were harassed by the town’s residents.”


Now watch the first trailer and tell me what you don’t see


I double checked IMDb to see if Truth Revolt completely misrepresented the film.  Nope

The second trailer does give a little hint, watch closely Here



34 Comments on Something’s Missing From This Trailer

  1. Yeah. I’m really interested in what George Clooney thinks of America.
    He was one of the first dickheads who laughed at Donald Trump. “He will never be President, no way.”
    Hey Georgie Boy, GFY with an axe handle.

  2. Not sure what I was supposed to be looking for but I didn’t notice any negroes, coloreds, African-Americans or other minorities (except micks, wops and possibly polacks, all of whom approximated “white”).

    Also, I saw Matt Damon humiliated by being forced to literally steal Johnathan Winter’s classic little girl bike gag from IT’S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD.

  3. Brad there are no black perps in Hollywood, just good guys. All the bad guys are white guys especially in Wall Street, Business, Industry, whatever. I learned that years ago when I used to watch my kids watch Sesame Street. I predict a flop for Clooney. (It may be wishful thinking).

  4. With a few exceptions (notably the Oceans 11 flicks) Clooney’s movies as either an actor or director never make money. He does, but his backers lose and this won’t be any different. Of course, all the Hollywood crowd and the critics will rave about it and it will get all sorts of awards but it won’t make a dime. At some point even Hollywood will stop backing Clooney then with luck he’ll have a stroke and fade from view.

  5. If America is so angry, why not go out among the working stiffs and do a film about that, of course they’d have to leave their hermitically sealed celebrity bubble and chance that may they’d pick up some nugget of truth that would counter their preferred narrative, but just imagine what a great movie that’d be.

  6. “It’s probably the angriest I have ever seen the country…There is a dark cloud hanging over our country right now”

    So where was Clooney over the last 8 years? That’s my measuring standard for angriest.

  7. only good movie Clowney ever made was ‘O’Brother, Where Art Thou?’ … & that was because of the magic of the Cohn Brothers & the fact that he played a simpleton w/ a gift for gab …. in other words, type-casted

    oh, & … “We wanted it to be funny, we wanted it to be mean,” he said. “But it is certainly angry, and it got angrier … “
    … like a fart in Church … first it’s funny, but as is goes on, it just pisses you off & makes you want pound the asshole (no pun intended) doing it.

  8. I’m wondering if the studio are starting to recognize that the movie going public is tired of being constantly browbeaten about what horrible racist they all were 70 years ago. So to try to fool today’s audience to go see the film they down play what they claim the movie was based on (a racial incident in the suburbs) in the trailer. Only the studio has told Clooney or the actors that they’re trying to hide their moralistic statement on awful racism from half a century ago.

  9. “So where was Clooney over the last 8 years? That’s my measuring standard for angriest.”

    He knows that. They all do. They’re just lying and reshaping history on the fly. It’s what all communists do, especially when they have the tools. Like movies.

  10. George, there is a dark, black cloud of African savages invading Italy, including the towns near your beautiful mansion on Lake Como. Please show some common decency and allow these needy people to integrate into this white enclave of Roman prejudice and Etruscan privilege by opening your doors to them. I’m sure your neighbors will welcome you back to this formerly attractive area of Italy after it’s turned into an African Shithole; but I could be wrong, they may be the angriest you’ve ever seen them.

  11. As far as i can tell… The Mob killed his wife…
    He blames the black family across the street in an attempt to collect the insurance money to payoff the mob.
    As did Susan Smith when she drowned her kids in her car and blamed it on a black man carjacking her car with her kids in it… all for a man she wanted to marry but he didn’t want kids.

  12. Maybe the neighbors are black folk playing their roles in white face? Something tells me that this film ain’t going to play well in Compton based on the trailer.

  13. Guaranteed box office dud.

    Must have made enough money to throw it all away on hate-propaganda film making.

    He wants to perpetuate a narrative – instead of a movie people want to see.

    And he’ll probably blame the hateful people for not wanting to go see it.

    Glad he’s getting Matt Dumbass dirty with it too.

    Someone should make a movie about a clueless self-righteous actor that shames anyone for not wanting Muslims refugees in their neighborhood – and then leaves the country where his vacation home is because of them.

  14. “Clooney’s no Fool , He Knows We Didn’t Make Black People Until The 60s !!!”

    When they’re smoking they’re cooking when they’re black they’re done. I want to apologize right now to black people around the globe. I just couldn’t help myself. Hey, free shot at white peoples.

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