Son Wields Machete To Save Asian Parents From Violent Attack In Oakland – IOTW Report

Son Wields Machete To Save Asian Parents From Violent Attack In Oakland

Gateway Pundit

Oakland, California – Four black males attacked and robbed an elderly Asian couple as they returned home from grocery shopping earlier this week.

The Asian couple’s son heard his parents screaming for help so he emerged from the house wielding a machete to protect his parents. More

21 Comments on Son Wields Machete To Save Asian Parents From Violent Attack In Oakland

  1. If this happened in Toronto, they would also be charging the Asian HERO in this case for wielding a deadly weapon.
    It happens way more than you think.

  2. The Klan with a Tan has an advantage the KKK never had. From coast to coast, those in authority won’t even acknowledge the culture of racist violence and intimidation practiced to varying degrees by millions of blacks. Black culture is steeped (openly so) in the kind of vile racist beliefs that would never be tolerated from any white person. And the people instigating these racist attacks are completely self-righteous about it because… “durrrr… racizm… durrr… slavery… durrrr…”

  3. So nice of the government to require people to wear identity concealing masks.

    It still amazes me that all of the jewelry stores in our local mall require people to wear masks when entering. I like wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a hat. I have I. The last seen banks that required people to remove sunglasses and hats when entering. I should wear a scarf, too.

  4. Has the media turned this into a reason we all need to turn in our guns yet? After all if the son had an AR we might have 4 less criminals roaming the streets.

  5. I’m going to sound ignorant-but- what is the reason behind this sudden uptick of attacks on Asian people?

    Is it because they blame them as the source of Covid? If so, a reason to blame shame Trump again.

    Some rap song out there with instructions to beat Asians?

    What is it? It’s happening here in Seattle too. AntiFa is bored?

    Anyway, what’s the narrative?

  6. “I’m going to sound ignorant-but- what is the reason behind this sudden uptick of attacks on Asian people?”

    The unbridled and unchecked rise of White supremacy.

  7. Illustr8r – From what I personally know, the black/asian thing is a super old beef.


    In Los Angeles, in a lot of the ghetto-y areas, mostly asians will open up shop followed by some indians (call-center) and hispanic. But mostly asians. They’re the only ones willing to set up shop there. The asians are pissed at blacks because of the theft, and hold-ups, etc. And the blacks are pissed because now the asians have to keep an eye out on the blacks because a high percentage of them will steal. AND the asians will call the cops. They don’t play. So the blacks who don’t steal, get offended for the eye-balling (but then so do the ones who do. lol)
    Culturally, the asians are very family oriented and the blacks/hispanics have no dads or are raised by grandmas. And so the kids be hellions. lol. and asians typically don’t dig that sorta thing and they’ll let you know.

    As for prisons? lol. It’s always blacks vs. hispanics.

    Also, because of illegal aliens, the normally black areas got turned into predominately hispanic areas. Gang activity, etc. have pushed the regular (and also the shitty) blacks out of the neighborhoods and into new ones a bit further north, passed the san fernando and san gabriel valleys and into palmdale and lancaster CA. And the blacks and hispanics who want to be left alone (gang violence, etc.) will move even further north, or to NV and AZ.

    But no one paid attention to how cultures worked until the rooftop Koreans incident during Rodney King riots. lol. At that point, just because of them defending their businesses and other black businesses, the media started to trash Koreans (asians in general) for not being down with the rioting.
    strangely, no media wanted to talk trash about the indians and the arabs who were in front of their own shops with 4 foot swords defending their places. lol. Truth is, asians will help any race, from what I’ve seen, if they’re doing the correct thing. But don’t confuse those asians with the asshole asians that are college SJW. They’re commies.

    Hard truth. Don’t like it? Don’t hang out with me. LOL!

  8. “I’m going to sound ignorant-but- what is the reason behind this sudden uptick of attacks on Asian people?”

    The message has been transmitted and received that they won’t be punished for it.

  9. @MJA Wow. OK. That certainly clarifies things that I had no idea about!

    Beyond this latest sad event. I’m shocked daily by the onslaught of racism 24/7. I blame Obama. He’s Oz behind the curtain. How is anyone of any color better off with this daily unrelenting knee jerk woke crap?

  10. Illustr8r: What MJA said. Also, there isn’t an uptick in attacks against Asians, just an uptick on REPORTING about attacks against Asians by a media intent on trying to blame whites, when nearly every attack against Asians is by blacks, and has been for at least 50 years.

  11. …people get spooked easy by long knives…

    …years ago, I bought a cheap, plastic handled, black bladed machete from Kmart and used it for gardening. You can cut a pretty good limb in one stroke with even a cheap machete, that’s the miracle of having weight and length behind a blade, and that’s why they use them for sugar cane harvesting in such garden spots as Cuba and Haiti where you send your kids into the fields with them to cut themselves and make snakes and rats mad.

    …anyway, the property I’m selling has a bush at the rear corner of it that overgrows the sidewalk, which is busy because of the bar behind it, so I went back there one sunny day with my machete and trimmed the bush away from the sidewalk in zip flat, then went inside my fence and put it away and went to get my rake.

    Thats when I see the cop car zooming up the alley between me and the bar, lights going but silent.

    Then another one on the other side of the house.

    I go out with my rake and it looks like the Cyberdine building in Terminator 2 for all the cops. I ain’t doing nothing and since I’m older, the cops for once are ignoring me, so I rake.

    Then an older cop happens by, and sees me raking fresh cut bush twigs, and the penny drops.

    “Were you just trimming this bush?” he asks.

    “Yes”, I answer, because I’m pretty sure bush trimming is only illegal if you don’t have her consent.

    “With a knife?” he asks, since I’m not carrying one now.

    Knives are legal in my patch and I’m on my property, so again, “Yes”.

    He then gets on the radio and says “call if off, it’s gardening, no assailant”.

    He then tells me what I didn’t realize was that, as I strode purposefully towards the offending bush and unsheathed WY long, flat, black blade with the glint if impending arboreal dismemberment in my eye, this was witnessed at some distance by a fireman at the intersection behind me, who misinterpreted his breif street scene to be a big, scary White guy about to dispense some vengeance on a denizen of the local drinkery, not an unreasonable assumption because those HAVE happened there AND because in my younger days I DID get involved in drunken knife fights (never there though), but a WRONG assumption on this particular day.

    Because I had disarmed out of sight before Broderick Crawford and Andy Taylor could be mobilized, they were milling about in confusion over the lack of Paul Hogan impersonators in the vicinity until my cop put 2 and 2 together, and you already know the rest.

    So if there’s one thing that gets attention more than a gun, it’s a big knife.

    That’s why I augmented my childhood love of edged weapons, adolescent drunken pointy blade thrusting, and later basic martial arts training with formal specific training on Ka-Bar knife techniques.

    Unless they have a gun, you bring out the pig sticker and demonstrate some skill and absolute willingness to use it, your foes will generally scatter. EVERYONE gets cut in a knife fight, and most folks don’t WANT to be cut.

    This does NOT work on Hispanic knife cultures, however. Pull a knife on Miho de la Raza, and you’re more likely to be met with glee and an invite to participate in the Ritual of the Bat.

    …your results may vary, but knives are GUARANTEED to produce an interesting response EVERY TIME…


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