Sondland Quoted Trump Speaking About Ukraine Preconditions – “I want nothing” – IOTW Report

Sondland Quoted Trump Speaking About Ukraine Preconditions – “I want nothing”

15 Comments on Sondland Quoted Trump Speaking About Ukraine Preconditions – “I want nothing”

  1. Here is what I don’t understand, supposedly bill clinton signed an anti-Corruption treaty with Ukraine back when he was President. There was not an expiration date on it. The intent of the treaty is the agreement to support each country and each other in the war against government corruption. This entire impeachment effort is built around the continued effort to rid each country of corrupt practices. Where in the heck am I wrong on this?

  2. When Sondland emphatically stated that President Trump told him directly that he wanted “Nothing, No Quid Pro Quo”, you could hear Chitty Schiff crap such a big load into his britches that it was forced down both of his legs to his ankles. I thought those eyeballs were going to explode from his head due to the flushed face he had.

  3. I hope the Dems impeach Mr. Trump.
    And if those asswipes in the Senate oust him;
    The very next morning Mr. Trump will announce his candidacy for President under the Trump Party and will win quite handily

  4. You know perfectly well that the Mob boss never gives an order to kill someone. They always say the opposite of what they want = “Just keep Joey nice and safe and quiet. Real quiet.”

  5. Lazlo The Elder
    NOVEMBER 20, 2019 AT 1:52 PM
    “I hope the Dems impeach Mr. Trump.
    And if those asswipes in the Senate oust him;
    The very next morning Mr. Trump will announce his candidacy for President under the Trump Party and will win quite handily”

    …he will indeed, because the Civil War that will ensue immediately after this illegal removal will claim ALL of his opposition, the ones foolish enough to remain in Washington pretty quickly, the rest when and as they could be hunted down and summarily executed, if they don’t kill themselves first…

  6. Pogo
    NOVEMBER 20, 2019 AT 1:46 PM
    “…Chitty Schiff crap such a big load into his britches that it was forced down both of his legs to his ankles. …”

    …that space, from head to toe and hip to hip, is ALREADY occupied by a walking pile of shit, so if shit shits, is that like giving birth to new Democrats?


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