Soros – “Trump Will Win Popular Vote in a Landslide, But Hillary’s Victory is a Done Deal” – IOTW Report

Soros – “Trump Will Win Popular Vote in a Landslide, But Hillary’s Victory is a Done Deal”


37 Comments on Soros – “Trump Will Win Popular Vote in a Landslide, But Hillary’s Victory is a Done Deal”

  1. Hillary wouldn’t stand a chance without that son of a bitch. And we would have never heard of 0bama.

    Maybe Trump can work out some kind of deal with Mossad …

  2. Here’s yer proof that the system is rigged and explains how a rotten, old, nasty, vile, shameless, manipulative, foul, anti-semetic, Alinsky-loving, crooked, criminal Bitch, that practically everyone hates, can be run for President:
    Bought and paid for Media.
    Bought and paid for Elections.

    He just didn’t wake up one morning in 2016, scratch his head and say:
    “Ya know… It seems like a good day to start fixing elections”!
    He’s been at for a long time and it’s been ramping up over the cycles.
    Romney never had a chance… like him or not.

  3. Soros is well above trying to psych out Trump voters in such a hamfisted way. He doesn’t need to. He’s got legions of allies who do that for him and they’re already pretty effective. No, he’s convinced it’s locked up and there’s only one way that can happen: the machines.

  4. My research of the electoral college “electors” is that they take an oath to vote per the people, but there is no penalty if they do not and the people are then fucked if in fact they do not vote per the people. I would think it wise to publish a list of the “electors” on a nationwide / district scale. Public shame, though cruel, tends to be a good “behavioral modifier”.

  5. The first line of his operation is the disinformation campaign. Hilarity can’t bring in crowds like Trump but the media puts her in a dead heat with him.

    The second line is the machines which are flipping votes. I kept hearing stories of votes flipping here in Texas and was told it was just people making mistakes. Funny how this started happening after Texas turned from solid Republican to an up for grabs state. My family has now had a friend’s mother report her vote flipped in Tennessee. She got it “Corrected” but we wonder if it is “Fixed” is it really fixed or just theater and the vote still shows for Clinton.

    If the election still goes to Trump (which I don’t believe it will) then I expect Electoral Delegates to “Vote their Conscience” and cast for Clinton anyway. As it has been pointed out, they do not HAVE to vote following the vote from their states.

    Our government is so corrupted now that I have no hope. Just here with my popcorn ready to watch it burn.

  6. @I……….: From the National Archives and Records Administration website:

    “Today, it is rare for Electors to disregard the popular vote by casting their electoral vote for someone other than their party’s candidate. Electors generally hold a leadership position in their party or were chosen to recognize years of loyal service to the party. Throughout our history as a nation, more than 99 percent of Electors have voted as pledged.”

    Just FYI.


  7. funny, the guy was a nazi sympathizer, helped round up jews to send to the camps and here he is talking. i wonder if he bought off the Israelis or if only non jews are apprehended, tried and convicted.

  8. The Electoral College is an anachronism. Going to a national popular vote for presdient would, among numerous other advantages, make voter fraud much less impactful. Stealing a state is a whole lot easier than manufacturing millions of votes nationally to swing a total vote count.

  9. There is almost no way to win the popular vote in a landslide and then lose the Electoral College vote. The popular vote must be close in order for that to happen. Another phony attempt to discourage the coming popular vote landslide by Trump. Sneaking around with rigged machines and voter fraud can only work if it is close, the fraudsters are motivated and they are not worried about consequences. Too much precinct scrutiny this year, and apathetic fraudsters, means Gyorgi will be disappointed. Most likely, it will be the Dems on a deathwatch outside Chelsea’s apartment screaming about rigged elections on Nov. 9th.

  10. My computer took a dump yesterday, and doing research in the ipad or phone is a no-go. Not enough time for the thumbs.

    I was thinking this morning about the blurbs starting maybe 18 months ago how state elector laws were changing how they treated their results; somethng along the lines of an if/then rig. The winning votes from one state will determine how another state’s electoral votes will be assigned. Can any one refresh my memory on that subject?

  11. RosalindJ, my limited understanding of the electoral college is that there are 29 states and D.C. that have legal control over their electors. The states are listed here:

    And if the electors violate the legal standards of their state they may only get a $1,000 fine.
    Electors in the remaining states can vote any way they wish but have usually adhered to the popular vote.

    Correct me if this is wrong. I don’t know much about the electoral process, just what I read.

  12. @Unruly: No one’s ever been punished for violating their pledge:

    “There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires Electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their states. Some states, however, require Electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote. These pledges fall into two categories—Electors bound by state law and those bound by pledges to political parties.

    The U.S. Supreme Court has held that the Constitution does not require that Electors be completely free to act as they choose and therefore, political parties may extract pledges from electors to vote for the parties’ nominees. Some state laws provide that so-called “faithless Electors” may be subject to fines or may be disqualified for casting an invalid vote and be replaced by a substitute elector. The Supreme Court has not specifically ruled on the question of whether pledges and penalties for failure to vote as pledged may be enforced under the Constitution. No Elector has ever been prosecuted for failing to vote as pledged.”

    Full details here:

    @Extirpates: I believe you may be thinking of delegates to a national party convention.

  13. @Vietvet, that doesn’t help me any (lol) — the system is too fckd up to understand. Just count our MF votes! Screw the electoral college. But verify that all votes are valid.
    That’s the way I would do it.
    Politicians should be cut out of the voting process completely because they, by design, cannot be trusted.

  14. Vietvet, I could wait a year for valid results if it would eliminate most of the corruption.
    And we wouldn’t have to be waiting that year with 0bama in office if that policy were in place in 2008. Verified voting without electoral colleges would have prevented that major clusterfukk.

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