Sorry For Calling You “Sir,” Sir – IOTW Report

Sorry For Calling You “Sir,” Sir

ht/ woody

And you and your dog aren’t French.

37 Comments on Sorry For Calling You “Sir,” Sir

  1. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:
    “Do I make you nervous?”

    Private Faggot:
    “Don’t call me Sir”

    Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:
    “Sir? what the fuk? I’ll call you Private ASSHOLE?”

  2. I’ll try to be gender neutral, ASSHOLE! COCKSUCKER! TWAT WAFFLE!
    Is that acceptable? WELL TOO BAD IF IT ISN’T!

  3. A couple weeks back I walked into my local Safeway store and stumble across some weird looking 70 plus year old guy with an even weirder old queen hanging on his arm. The bitch was dressed in 1970 era pink hot pants, women’s shoes, and some weird blouse. The cheeks of his ass are hanging out of the back of the hot pants. Some lady rushed over and went off. “There’s children in here and you’re dressed inappropriately.” Yada yada yada. I chipped in and said nobody wants to see some old mans ass hanging out. Which he replied, I am not a man. The woman who was already all over his dumb ass went off. “If you’ve gotta a dick you’re a man. Don’t think you can move from San Fransisco and pull the same shit here. It’s not happening. They split. Interesting thing is the male portion of this rolling shit show never said jack shit. Later I found out that they did indeed just move from San Fransisco.

  4. Is using the word freak a pronoun? How about Sir Freak, will that do. Why not, the Brits knight queers like Elton John and made him Sir Elton. Sir is a pronoun that is made and should only be used for people who deserve respect and not for every Tom, Dick and Harry just because they belong to a politically correct victim group like this freak.

  5. I think it’s a scam….
    Man dresses up as woman goes….
    to restaurant and uses his “man” voice….
    gets called “Sir” and calls the manager….

    Does his manager complaint get freebies….????

  6. “You have the right to choose what pronouns you want to use, correct? Well so do I. I simply don’t care what pronouns you want me to use, I’ll pick the ones I want to use. I don’t want to talk to you at all, you empty-headed animal, food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.”

  7. Slap it across the face with a flounder.
    Fuck (metaphorically) that stupid, narcissistic, mentally-disturbed asshole.
    It shouldn’t go out in public if it doesn’t want to be insulted – it’s a freak.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. These assholes prey on the service sector employees who are just trying to do their job and make some money.
    They are the ultimate Karens, “I want to speak to the manager”.

  9. Manager should have said: “Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die – go pollute some other beanery.”
    Or: “Try the cafeteria in the mosque.”
    Never apologize, never explain.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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