Sorry Lefties, No After Election Surge In Wu Flu Infections In Wisconsin – IOTW Report

Sorry Lefties, No After Election Surge In Wu Flu Infections In Wisconsin

1130 WISN

Even taking into account the fact that Coronavirus has an average incubation period of roughly five days, from April 13 to April 20 Wisconsin averaged 144.8 new Coronavirus cases per day–far fewer than the 174.1 new cases per day that the state was averaging before the election. This proves that there was no statewide surge, a fact that Wisconsin Department of Health Services Secretary-designee Andrea Palm admitted during her weekly press conference on Monday.

“We have not seen data that suggests that we’ve seen a a large uptick from in-person voting,” she said.

Even in the City of Milwaukee, which has been hardest hit by the Coronavirus outbreak, there was no discernible surge in new cases despite the Health Department’s best efforts to convince the public that the election was directly responsible for new cases. More

16 Comments on Sorry Lefties, No After Election Surge In Wu Flu Infections In Wisconsin

  1. Is it just me, or will this require force to get this country back on track?
    The left isn’t gonna’ stop just because the science no longer supports their claims. I believe they see the politics of quarantine as the key, and they will not stop shouting about it past November.

  2. @Dan Knowles I’ve been saying the same thing since 2016. The entire left not just registered democRATS need to be looked at as enemies of the state! Incarcerate or eliminate is the only way to deal with them.

  3. @Dan Knowles – in some area it may well have to come to that. One thing is for sure, as the numbers start to decrease, these power-hungry democRATs are only tightening down the screws! They see their window of opportunity closing and they are hell-bent for leather on milking this for all it’s worth. Then after November we’ll see a nuther SERVPRO® moment where it will be “like nothing ever happened”

  4. @Dan Knowles:

    Is it just me, or will this require force to get this country back on track?

    It is not just you, Dan. I do not see a peaceful path to smaller and less abusive govt. Without, um, extraordinary measures, we will likely see a relative diminishing of current authoritarian controls imposed using the Chinese plague as the excuse, but we will certainly end up worse off than before.

    edit: We are not under quarantine. Quarantine is when you restrict the freedom of SICK people. What we are seeing now is the restriction of the freedom of HEALTHY people. I’d like to see the use of that word to describe the “lockdown”, a/k/a house arrest, eliminated.

  5. I think it’s odd to say I’m encouraged by the affirmation of my worst fears, but it’s certainly comforting to know if I decide to act unilaterally, I don’t think I’d be alone for long..or at least a rallying cry.

    But I have no plans as of yet, just in case anybody’s wondering. I do see it becoming…intolerable, though.


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