South African Equality Court Rules Flying Apartheid Era National Flag Illegal – IOTW Report

South African Equality Court Rules Flying Apartheid Era National Flag Illegal

NBC News

Judge Phineas Mojapelo said the ruling was not a complete ban, saying use of the flag is protected by law for artistic, academic, journalistic or other purposes deemed in the public interest.

The judge criticized those who continued to wave the apartheid-era flag.

Those who display the old flag choose deliberately to not only display the old flag, but also consciously and deliberately choose to not display the new, multiracial flag,” said Mojapelo. “They choose oppression over liberation.” More

6 Comments on South African Equality Court Rules Flying Apartheid Era National Flag Illegal

  1. The black majority political party in charge in So Africa has proven itself to be a corrupt and murderously antiwhite racist Deep State.

    They’re two steps away from going Full Zimbabwe (Rhodesia)

    If I were Afrikaaner I would sell, GTFO and change my name to anything other than Dwight Manzburdin

  2. Vote Democrat and get your very own Equality Court!
    Reparations are chump change, brother.
    Fuck whitey. Weez gotz us a court that’ll do dat shit.
    Pay to the order of ME. Obama phone was just a down payment.


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