Sowell on Convention of States – IOTW Report

Sowell on Convention of States

After reading Thomas Sowell’s column and reviewing Governor Abbott’s proposed nine amendments, a Convention of States might just carve back some power for the people from the central government.



8 Comments on Sowell on Convention of States

  1. All of these are great ideas, but only two of them, in my opinion would be “new” the others already echoing what the (ignored) Constitution says.

    These two; over riding the SCOTUS with a 2/3 vote of the Senate. And over riding federal laws by a 2/3 vote of the States are worthwhile. It would be great to enact this then get 2/3 of the states to vote for leaving the UN and kicking it out of the country.

    I’d add repeal of the 17th amendment to the list.

  2. Repeal the 16th – Starve the Beast
    Repeal the 17th – Restore State Representation

    Our system was designed for “Honorable Men” and we no longer elect “Honorable Men” because we can’t recognize one – not being “Honorable Men” ourselves.

    (some are, but too many aren’t)

  3. For some crazy odd reason the US Senators believe they work for the Federal government as opposed to the states they’re from. Now for a $100, who can tell me why that’s a bad idea?

    Folks, both the 16th and 17th were never passed by the legislatures the counters said did. MD legislature wasn’t even in session and deemed pass. Forgive me, how fuck does that make it a passed amendment? Anyone….anyone at all other than an ignorant scholar like the current occupant of the White Hut?

    That’s what I thought. All progressives to day are EQUALLY responsible for this and deserve to die today or at the nearest future date possible!

  4. I would compare the Constitution to a car with low tires, bad brakes and a faded paint job, We can fix the brakes, air the tires and give it a paint job. No big deal but until we get the drunk out of the drivers seat, it isn’t going to be safe on the road.

  5. This idea is stupid. First, if they don’t follow the constitution now, why would this be any different? Second, the libtardocrats would be there adding their own loony amendments like “white people can’t vote anymore” and “all people on earth are now American citizens” and ” Idaho is too white so it is now part of Mexico” and “San Francisco is the new capital of the U.S.A.”, not to mention outlawing “hate speech” which means words like “criminal” “job” “earn” and “conservative”!!

  6. Oppose all convention applications as subversive to the Constitution.

    In considering amendments to the new constitution there was debate on what mode of amending it was more desirable, through Congress’ proposals, or through a convention. In a letter to George Lee Turberville dated November 2, 1788, James Madison said, “Having witnessed the difficulties and dangers experienced by the first Convention which assembled under every propitious circumstance, I should tremble for the result of a Second.”

    At Farrand’s Records Volume 2, p. 632 – RECORDS OF THE FEDERAL CONVENVENTION, South Carolina delegate Charles Pinckney summed up perfectly the mood of the convention on a properly applied for Article V Convention when he said, “Nothing but confusion & contrariety could spring from the experiment. The States will never agree in their plans— And the Deputies to a second Convention coming together under the discordant impressions of their Constituents, will never agree.” Pinckney then said, “Conventions are serious things and ought not to be repeated.”

    Convention delegates once convened are a Sovereign body superior to the legislatures from the States, and Congress, or any other gathering of the same. Try as they will, State legislatures and Congress no matter how assembled, do not have any authority to impose rules on a body superior to themselves by legislation or by a pseudo-superior pseudo-official organization such as the Assembly of State Legislatures (See article link below.). By Constitutional Article V dictates or the lack there of, that purview is exclusively restricted to the convention itself.

    Assembly of State Legislatures Changes Article V Text in Call for “Convention of States”

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