Spain: Protesters rally against mosques in Barcelona – IOTW Report

Spain: Protesters rally against mosques in Barcelona

via Vlad Tepes blog

13 Comments on Spain: Protesters rally against mosques in Barcelona

  1. Ive’ Been Waiting, for Spain to Realize these Scum are Giving them Italy and Others a Dirty Image ! Imagine if Because of Geography , Inbred – Violent and Stenchy People were Taking Over…. And They Look a Whole Lot Like YOU !

  2. The Thompson sub machine gun still has a purpose today, as valid as when it was invented about 80 years ago or so… Those savages need to be mowed down and the Thompson is the perfect weapon to do it. Easy to handle, capable.of receiving a 100 round drum magazine… awesome.

  3. Europe will finally discover that the spanish flue will pale in comparison to this muzzie invasion. They’re flooding in to abuse social services and disrupt western society, Their only hope is to control them, getting rid of them is too late.

  4. Media dilemma:

    Show this as NEWS, then others around the world might start sticking up for themselves.

    Show it as PROPAGANDA, as others are hateful Islamophobes who just don’t want peace and love bombed into them.

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