Speaker Mike Johnson’s Sgt. of Arms Threatens Rep. Massie to Take Down his Video of Democrats Waving Ukrainian Flags on the House Floor or Face $500 Fine – IOTW Report

Speaker Mike Johnson’s Sgt. of Arms Threatens Rep. Massie to Take Down his Video of Democrats Waving Ukrainian Flags on the House Floor or Face $500 Fine

That’s why everyone is sharing the shit out of it.

Gateway Pundit: On Saturday afternoon Democrats and Uniparty RINOs passed legislation to send ANOTHER $60 billion to Ukraine to fund their War with Russia.

This was money borrowed from the US treasury to fund a prolonged war in Europe’s most corrupt nation,Ukraine, against Russia.

Texas lawmaker Chip Roy recently revealed that only $47 billion of the $113 billion in Ukraine funding actually went to lethal aid.  They’re not sure about the rest!

Following the vote Democrat members of Congress cheered and waved Ukrainian flags on the House floor after voting to give them another $60.8 billion in taxpayer funds.

The $95.3 billion foreign aid package funds Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan — with nothing for Americans.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) posted video of the outrageous spectacle on his X account. The video currently has 6.4 million views. more

27 Comments on Speaker Mike Johnson’s Sgt. of Arms Threatens Rep. Massie to Take Down his Video of Democrats Waving Ukrainian Flags on the House Floor or Face $500 Fine

  1. “Johnson’s go-along-to-get-along state of mind has gone berserk”

    No no no. That’s complete surrender. This man? has no testicles. Tucker nailed it. Weak men invite evil.

  2. we probably paid for all the mini ukraine flags too. should be a law forbidding foreign flags displayed by congress members while in congress. on the other hand who would think to do such a disrespectful act. load them up in a c-130 and ship to ukraine for permanent residence with mini flags in hand. lack of allegiance, disrespecting the american flag and all those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. treasonous.

  3. “… we probably paid for all the mini ukraine flags too.”

    We pay for everything … EVERYTHING … that’s how gov’t works.
    It’s just a damned shame that most people don’t understand that simple concept.
    The gov’t produces NOTHING – ABSOLUTELY NOTHING – with the possible exception of grief.
    Gov’ts are, by nature, parasitic. Our gov’t was designed to be the least parasitic possible – but we, and our antecedents, fucked that up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. As an American citizen, veteran, and retired pastor I am now declaring shenanigans on our illegal president, his sham of an administration, and almost every Democratic office holder in every state of the union for pursuing uni American activities and actions determental to the American way of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They hereby need to cease, desist, and crawl back into whatever hole spawned them.

    There, fixed that…

    What…you mean I have actually do something? Like vote and scream bloody murder about ballot harvesting and dead people and illegal aliens voting?

    Well get ready then…cause here it comes.

  5. Brad
    TUESDAY, 23 APRIL 2024, 23:34 AT 11:34 PM

    “This man? has no testicles.”

    …no, I suspect he does have testicles, small ones perhaps, but just enough that his new masters have them in a vice…

  6. These people have absolutely no allegiance to America. They care only about their own self promotion and enrichment. What has our government done for the American people since Biden was installed except make life more difficult? Name ONE thing. They have successfully destroyed any faith in government citizens have ever had along with destroying the greatest country that ever existed.

  7. Vicious Sid
    WEDNESDAY, 24 APRIL 2024, 7:33 AT 7:33 AM
    “They have successfully destroyed any faith in government citizens have ever had along with destroying the greatest country that ever existed.”

    …give the devil his due. They HAVE destroyed those things, but along the way they ALSO destroyed;
    -The Rule Of Law
    -The Practice of Medicine
    -The Sanctity of Human Life
    -Every Church They Could Daunt or Subvert
    -The Human Body
    -Young Minds
    -The Mental Health System
    -The Education System
    -Law Enforcement
    -Our Borders
    -Our Ability to Defend Ourselves
    -Our Right to Defend Ourselves
    -Any Vestige of Equality Before The Law
    -Our Ability to Make Things
    -Our Ability to Fix Things
    -The Automotive Industry
    -All Forms of Transportation
    -Small Businessess
    -America’s Reputation
    -Race Relations
    -Relations Between The Sexes
    -The Concept of What The Sexes ARE
    -Human Dignity
    -And they’ve certainly destroyed babies. Lots and lots of innocents.

    …and so they ALSO destroyed…
    -Any Expectation Of God’s Blessing on America

    …all that and SO much more, and in a relatively short time, too.

    As a matter of history, it is always easier to destroy than it is to create.

    They seem to wish to prove that every day.

    So let’s see what tomorrow brings.

    Another chapter opening in Apocalypse, I shouldn’t wonder.

  8. Rep Massie should just say “No” and “No”.
    “No, I will not remove the video” and
    “No, I will not pay the fine”.
    What are the UniParty gonna do?
    Kick Rep Massie out of Kongress?
    Let’s see if Rep Massie has stones and spine to stand up to the UniParty.


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