Speaking of Crap Headlines… another – IOTW Report

Speaking of Crap Headlines… another

 LAPD Cop Shattered

Col. Angus says-

I don’t doubt that the cop really is all effed up after the bad shoot. 
What I can’t figure out is why I’m supposed to instantly feel sorry for him, like he is the victim.
I don’t recall same sympathies for cop who pulled gun instead of taser?  Media headlines were all about her incompetence. Criminally so.

oc register-

Los Angeles police Officer William Dorsey Jones Jr. saw himself as a bridge-builder, the neighborhood cop who rounded up toys for disadvantaged children, volunteered as a high school football coach and offered words of hope to those considering suicide.

Jones, 42, was labeled by one admirer in a published report as “Officer Good Guy.” Union official Thomas Saggau described Jones as the police officer he’d most like to clone.

Now Jones is at the center of a firestorm, identified Thursday as the officer who fatally shot an assailant and an innocent 14-year-old girl shopping for dresses Dec. 23 at a North Hollywood Burlington store.

With a growing chorus demanding justice for the dead girl’s family, Jones’ attorney said Thursday that the officer followed his training “to a T” despite the tragic outcome.

How the shooting is being portrayed by some, following the release of police body-cam footage, is that Jones rushed ahead of his colleagues and fired in haste with a rifle at a fleeing suspect. One stray bullet pierced a wall and entered a dressing room where the girl, Valentina Orellana-Peralta, was hiding with her mother.

Attorney Rahul Ravipudi, representing the mother and sister of the slain girl, said it was obvious from the videos that the shooting was an unreasonable use of force and a breach of policy.

Looks like it was established narrative from day one. OC Register wants him beatified. 

I wonder why? – BFH

17 Comments on Speaking of Crap Headlines… another

  1. I know it’s wrong, and it’s something I need to work on but every time I read about a black cop that screws up on duty my first reaction ,”Another affirmative action hire, another example of looking the other way and rushing a candidate through, a candidate that if white might not have made the cut, just because he checks a diversity box”.

    Kim Potter’s bad shoot was precipitated by a black cop who totally screwed up in not securing his suspect and allowing him to get back in the car. Yet his carelessness was not even a footnote in this whole sordid story.

  2. Speaking of black cops and bad shoots:

    “A judge on Thursday sentenced former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor to 57 months behind bars, the maximum penalty possible, for fatally shooting a 911 caller in 2017.

    Noor had been convicted of third-degree murder for the slaying of Justine Ruszczyk Damond on July 15, 2017 and sentenced to 12 1/2 years behind bars, before the state Supreme Court tossed that charge last month.”

    This was done just last October. Nary a peep from the media.

    Speaking of black cops and bad shoots:

    “A judge on Thursday sentenced former Minneapolis police officer Mohamed Noor to 57 months behind bars, the maximum penalty possible, for fatally shooting a 911 caller in 2017.

    Noor had been convicted of third-degree murder for the slaying of Justine Ruszczyk Damond on July 15, 2017 and sentenced to 12 1/2 years behind bars, before the state Supreme Court tossed that charge last month.”

    This was done just last October. Barely a peep from the media.


    Officer Jones can string this out for a few years and avoid any serious repercussions. If he converts to islam, he’s golden.

  3. @rich taylor: “I know it’s wrong, and it’s something I need to work on but every time I read about a black cop that screws up on duty my first reaction ,”Another affirmative action hire,”

    Don’t have to work on anything, truth is truth. I’ve been watching affirmative action now since the early 70’s. I’ve seen first hand what unqualified affirmative action employees will do to morale in a workplace setting. Worse AA debacle I saw was a black employee, gay, and sued several big corporations he worked for in the past for discrimination. Instead of getting the company name in the headlines, they would pay him off and he’d go on trips to Europe with his boyfriend. It was a scam that he pulled off as a lucrative way to travel and access to blackmailed money. Oh, and he worked in HR where I worked.

  4. Alternate Narrative from Same Journ-asshole-ist:

    “Cowardly cop allows woman to be beaten to death because he lazily never studied Kung Fu.”

    In this version, the girl isn’t shot because due to the awful policeman skipping his mandatory “Seeing Thru Walls” training seminar.

  5. He was wrong to use the ar. The perp was a nerdy so and so that could have been taken down with a taser plus they had shotguns on site which would have been better than an ar. He did screw up by using the rifle in an enclosed space.


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