Spencer Stone was stabbed after incident inside gay bar – IOTW Report

Spencer Stone was stabbed after incident inside gay bar

Badlands advertises as Sacramento’s premier gay bar. Detectives say that the stabbing took place outside that gay bar, and they believe it was a continuation of a dispute that took place inside the gay bar.

I’m not making a judgement one way or another, but it is a bit of info that is usually not glossed over.


11 Comments on Spencer Stone was stabbed after incident inside gay bar

  1. Well, seems the tolerant, all inclusive left is already being what they are, that would be smirking, “…nattering nabobs of negativism.”
    I have been to gay clubs, had a great time, didn’t get stabbed though.
    Got friends and family who happen to be gay, it makes no difference to me when judging the cut of a mans jib.
    @Pete, UK Daily Mail
    “Obviously a very hard man but I wonder what the more (ahem) “passionate” element of the American right wing will be thinking when they realise what kind of venue he was emerging from?”

    I for one think Pete is a inbred, horse toothed idiot from the UK, hope he enjoys the Muslim invasion.

  2. Here’s my take: Maybe this “hero” doesn’t want to be in the military. Maybe he’s been looking for a way to be released medically from the military. What’s he doing outside a gay bar at 12:30 at night if not looking for something? I dunno, maybe I’m just tired of hearing it every day, several times a day, what heroes they are, and we’ve got plenty of men and women in the military, police, and fire who are heroes themselves everyday but don’t get the recognition that this guy gets. /just saying

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