Sperry: Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Just Miles from White House – IOTW Report

Sperry: Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Just Miles from White House

Bretibart: Paul Sperry writes that former President Barack Obama is setting up a “shadow White House” in Washington, DC, for organizing anti-Trump protests nationwide and “rebuilding the ravaged Democrat Party.”

From the New York Post:

When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House.


24 Comments on Sperry: Obama Organizing Violent Anti-Trump Protesters Just Miles from White House

  1. Since Obama is particularly effete and inept, someone else must be at the helm. And still, this will fail miserably just like everything else he has been involved in.

  2. You can bet Mr. Sessions is going to be investigating Obama. I suspect Obama will be indicted before the years out. Either for his illegal arms dealing in Libya and Syria or for treason and sedition against our government. If his “so called” army want to arm themselves and take to the street then by all means, “Bring It”. There’s a very large, very well armed, patriotic segment of the population that would be more than glad to send everyone of them to hell.

  3. I used to rule the world,
    Seas would lower when I gave the word.
    Now in the morning I smoke a fag,
    And avoid my trannie hag.

    I used to roll the dice,
    Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes
    Listened as the crowd would sing,
    Now the old king is dead, long live the king.
    One minute I held the key,
    Next the walls were closed on me,
    And I discovered that my castles stand,
    Upon pillars of “uhhh”, and pillars of “aaand”.

    I hear the muslim call to prayer,
    Leftist crackpots are also there.
    Be my mirror, my pen & phone,
    My missionaries right here at home.
    For some reason I can’t explain,
    Once I won, there was never,
    Never an honest word
    And that was when I ruled the world.

    I hear the muslim call to prayer,
    Leftist crackpots are also there.
    Be my mirror, my pen and phone,
    My missionaries right here at home.
    For some reason I can’t explain,
    I know some guy’s peter will call my name.
    Never an honest word,
    But that was when I ruled the world.

  4. Delusions of grandeur.

    The Manchurian is in for a series of rude awakenings.

    Trump ‘s teams should begin leaking strategic ‘revelations” about Obamas hidden past.
    Drip drip drip, Wikileaks emails style.

    Reduce Obama’s secret service detail to the barest minimum, staff that detail with disciplinary screwups and bad hires, restrict his travel budget and office staff budget to almost nothing. Most of those perks are discretionary.

    And have the IRS hit Obama with a massive overdue tax bill for his $100 million in excessive vacations as “undeclared income/benefits”. Keep him in IRS court forever.

    Obama’s puppet strings are easily cut.

  5. @Ann Thracts
    If Obama has anything to say about his appearance on a postage stamp, he’ll order the image to be his butt or boot and order them to regress to lick stamps, only.

  6. Barry and his satanic hoard never acccount for angelic heavenly hosts and the army of God fearing and moral American patriots ready to do battle. The left is in for a surprise.

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