Sports, Where Blatant Assaults Aren’t Criminalized – IOTW Report

Sports, Where Blatant Assaults Aren’t Criminalized

They say this basketball player was upset because a foul wasn’t called earlier.

So, why not throw a forearm to the face of the ref?

ht/ hot salsa


26 Comments on Sports, Where Blatant Assaults Aren’t Criminalized

  1. Off the team at minimum. Assault charges should probably be filed. A short school suspension is also probably in order. If he’s there on a scholarship, the scholarship should be pulled (why pay a scholarship if you get yourself kicked off the team?). That was out-and-out assault.

  2. …it was a Black kid hitting a White kid, so it’ll just be spun as an understandable reaction to Trump’s racism, or striking back against 400 years of oppression, or he was pretty sure the White kid was thinking he was a “ni*er”, so of COURSE he had to hit him./sarc

    No punishment, no penalty, and a bright future in Democrat politics lies ahead for him.

    The White kid, on the other hand, is considered racist because, White, and who feels bad for a racist?/SARC

    Besides, it dey kultur, so if anyone’s offended, dey be rayciss./s

    …the only thing I DIDN’T put a /sarc tag on was about him doing well in Democrat politics. He lacks ACTUAL skills, uses violence to change outcomes when someone just doing their JOB causes him to have CONSEQUENCES for his lack of skills, blindsides someone who IS doing their job, and then walks away like he’s totally justified.

    Yes, he should do WELL as a Democrat, a Governor at LEAST…

  3. There was a thread on Reddit a few days ago about a school teacher who returned to work at a high school aater battling cancer.

    The video showed a girl thug hauling off and punchingtbis elderly woman in the face becuse she thought she had been disrespected.

    The comments were filled with commies hoping that the assailant gets the help she needs so we can understand why she felt she needed to lash out like that.

    You’ll see that here too because Leftism is a mental disease.

  4. Cliche Guevara we did that story here. What was strange about the news channel that broadcasted it was that they kept calling the short haired attacker female a ‘he’. Did they just guess that she identifies as a dude? Even while she was wearing a pink sweatjacket?

    That classroom sounded like a bus station full of drunks.

  5. It was a black African hitting a white American. Half of this country and most of the world will applaud him. Schumer will laud him from the Senate floor and if Obammy was still President he would be invited to sit with Mooch at the State of the Union address where all the Democrats would give him a standing ovation!
    Joy Behar will propose marriage and Cher will ask him to move to Canada with her! Snowflake college students will start a Go fund Me presidential kitty for him and the press will make him an honorary member and sue to get him a White House press credential!! He will be appointed by Broward County to oversee the vote recount and will get to confiscate all the legal guns in Maryland!

  6. strait up racysm! That honky white muthuhfuckuh gotz no reeson t’be ply-ing B-Ball wid da bruddahs! Thas the national sprot of the country of Afrikkka! Invinted by Afreikkans for Africans!
    It was brung to Merica by da brose as dey was shipped ot Mreica as slaves form the Greatist Affricca! Iz a atrue fack!
    If y’all wans’;t not so raycyst as ta seadat!
    We invinted the printer presst and money, tooo!

    You white muthahfukkyuhys ‘d still be running true da woods eating Indians an buffaloeshit if it wans’tn not for us. Ya bunch a faggots!

  7. The black kid should learn to play hockey. The leagues are too white and they could use a few black goon enforcers.

    You don’t even have to worry about being charged with assault and battery.’The penalty box beats jail every time, unless you need to visit your homies from the hood for an extended period.

  8. “…this basketball player was upset because a foul wasn’t called earlier…”

    400 years earlier. Wheh mah reparayshuns at?

    Prediction: A review of the game video will show no such missed foul call, followed by shrieking that the video was “doctored” to hide the missed foul call.

  9. MJ: I try not to miss much but I didn’t catch that one on here.

    The Reddit comments were as disgusting as the act itself.

    It’s too easy to play Whaboutism because if a white player did this to a black one then his name would already be added to some #Basta! shirts.

  10. Nahh, the best response is to come back a few plays later and lift a knee into his twigs and berries hard enough to deposit them up around his third rib.
    Play the game by his rules.


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