Spotlight On Morons, One Moron At a Time – IOTW Report

Spotlight On Morons, One Moron At a Time

Latest Dummy—-> Barrett Holmes Pitner

He says the Trump joke, where he is taken seriously as a candidate, is over because Trump wants to, get this, deport illegal aliens. Can you imagine?

The joke is over. The horrors of a Trump presidency should not be lost on anyone. His immigration plan calls for the deportation of the estimated 11-12 million undocumented immigrants who have entered via our southern border. This position has definitely stoked the fire of Americans who are not pleased with our immigration policies, but an America that rounds up and forcefully removes a race or class of people is most certainly a dystopian nation that encourages lawlessness and anarchy.
Whether the removal of 11 million illegals is plausible or not is one thing, that this imbecile describes the removal of illegals as “lawlessness and anarchy” is another.
What’s this idiot’s reasoning?
If these policies were enacted, what would prevent American citizens from destroying the documentation of legal Hispanic immigrants, and forcefully deporting them or using the threat of deportation as leverage for rampant abuse?
Ahhhh. Got it. If America goes after people breaking the law it could lead, horrifically, to breaking the law. And we don’t want to take that chance!
(So why prosecute murderers? That could lead to using the law against murderers as leverage for rampant abuse, no?)
He goes on to cite – surprise – slavery. Free Persons of Color were required to show documentation that they were free. If they couldn’t they were put into slavery. He ties this practice to the Arizona law, SB1070, where Hispanics are required to show they are in the country legally. So, ipso facto, America simply has to swallow the bitter pill, illegals have all the leverage over legal citizens. Our hands are tied by criminals.
Dammit. Clever bastardos.
No wonder the Daily Beast got rid of their commenting section. Even liberals would call their writers morons.

20 Comments on Spotlight On Morons, One Moron At a Time

  1. “but an America that rounds up and forcefully removes a race or class of people is most certainly a dystopian nation that encourages lawlessness and anarchy.”

    I hate to break it to the Real Poli Sci Graduate of Genius (yes, I looked) but the rocket surgeon just described how every nation on earth treats people that illegal enter.

    Political Science. Because math was just too darn hard for those “special” students on campus.

  2. Has anyone noticed that Daily Beast disabled all comments? They say it’s because the discussion is now on “social media”.

    Yeah, right. I say it’s because Twitter protects left wingers and bans conservative comments.

    Left wing blogs lose control when factual comments immediately below challenge the liberal lies printed above.

  3. He sort of overlooked the simple fact illegals will be rounded up and sent back to their own country. No one said a damn thing about sending people to slavery. Also, welcome to 2015, where a paper (or lack of paper) will be verified electronically.

  4. too bad they won’t allow me to “like” your comment more than once.. He’s just another in a long line of uppity Negros who are ticking time bombs.. I think he needs to be deported to Haiti.. We’ll tell the Haitians that he’s extremely wealthy and thereby lower his life expectancy by mere hours, instead of days..

  5. Tom don’t sound like he’s from around here. Why do these Lib networks always need somebody with a British accent on their staff? Is that suppose to add some sort of credibility? Because it doesn’t.

  6. “Why do these Lib networks always need somebody with a British accent on their staff?”

    Consider their starting point: “Let’s find someone who hates a free America”.

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