Spotlight On Our Friends At Dixon Studio – IOTW Report

Spotlight On Our Friends At Dixon Studio

From time to time I like to go to the Dixon Studios Gallery just to look at the work of Ronald Neill Dixon. He’s both a master craftsmen and master artist.

These are 2 windows from a series of 20 that were installed at the Trinity Church in Gainesville, Virginia.

The rest of this amazing collection–> Here

Here is Ronald working on a painting:

And a mosaic:

THIS is talent on loan from God.

13 Comments on Spotlight On Our Friends At Dixon Studio

  1. Having very little creative talent myself I am always in awe of those artists that can create something that inspires awe, wonderment and joy, just with their hands.

    They are truly blessed, and many recognize the gift. Johann Sebastian Bach, the greatest of the composers and the inspiration for many, said many times that he dedicated every note he wrote to the glory of Jesus Christ. Those of us that can’t applaud and venerate those that can.

  2. I had to travel to the home office for a meeting. The company pays someone to supply artwork for the lobby, halls, etc. As I was waiting for a meeting, I studied 4 abstract paintings lining the hall. They’ve been there for about 3 years. I finally noticed 2 of them have been upside down this whole time. Since they look like drop cloths used by a real artist(like this guy), I didn’t bother to turn them over.

  3. I used to have talent, but never did anything with it after college. I dabbled in many mediums, but pencil drawing was my favorite (I loved the detail). Maybe I should pick it up again.

    I love the mosaic.

  4. Hey, y’all, you have humbled our artist with your praise!
    A few notes:
    The painting he is working on in that photo, is actually ‘The Coronation of the Virgin’ by Diego Velazquez (1644, and now in the public domain), which a client wanted in mosaic for a mausoleum… but it was too costly for fabrication with all the detail so, our master artist worked on a full size print of the painting to paint more robes and clouds over a few cherubs. So, that’s the discount version in the works in that photo.
    And: We do try to post news & pics on our website but are a bit better about it on our fb page if you’d like to follow it:
    And: We are open by event or appointment and would be happy to host OTW readers. Just prudent to call ahead if you are coming through the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, to make sure we will be open.


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