Spotlight on Reader Comment – Woody – IOTW Report

Spotlight on Reader Comment – Woody

This is great and spot on.

I agree with Woody that this arc of unnatural humanness is about to come to a close.

This country was built on “masculinity.”
The leftists snuck in and added the word “toxic” to couple with it. So not true.
I’ve watched liberal wives try and be the “tough” one while continuing to emasculate their own husbands, converting them into mealy little “feminists” because it pleases the wife. I’ve witnessed these men, who when faced with a problem concerning their wives, simply say, “oh, dear..” and let their wives handle it in a “feminist forceful” way.

That’s never going to fly. Never has, never will. Because when the REAL heat comes down, the “masculine” will always take care of it. Women can be strong but they’d be quickly eliminated by a force much too strong for them. And their stupid husbands will be up a tree still crying,”oh dear.”

Personally, I am starting to see that maybe the leftist ideological arc of around 100 years may be coming to a close. Most everyone can see the total transparent media propaganda, the anchors acting like crying babies, the pearl clutching, etc.
This is all laughable to adversaries out there. Masculine men will always have to do the dirty work, making sure no harm comes to them, their loved ones, or their country.

The elitist, repressive leftist ruse is going to come to an end. It may take another 30 years, but good, strong upstanding patriots are tired of this shit. That’s exactly why the timing was perfect for President Trump.

He echoed what so many Americans were feeling. Our enemies were laughing, taking advantage of us, manipulating girly men leaders. This is the United States of America. We as a collective don’t play that game.

Our freedom was far too difficult to attain.

The liberals are quaking in their boots as they are witnessing their own demise and it couldn’t be more delicious to watch.
Every day they lose a little more.


20 Comments on Spotlight on Reader Comment – Woody

  1. I am woman and I’m so happy to see non-subjugated masculinity coming back. And feminine women can still carry guns, as they have for years.

    I’m tired of not allowing children play games that prepare them for life, dodge ball, for instance, or dress up or cowboys and Indians. The left has tainted everything with their evil. Time to fight back.

  2. I am so sick and tired of the constant barrage of Hollywood “strong women” movies, and TV shows. I think it started with the ridiculous G.I. Jane movie, and went downhill from there.

  3. I like to compare things to a snowball rolling downhill. It starts small and slow, gains a little, faster then faster until it passes the point of no return. HUGE and UNSTOPPABLE. It used to take a long time to wake people up from their slumber as to what was going on, but after November 8, 2016, people have been coming around like never before. Look how fast they’ve responded to all the attacks on PDT and how quickly this child invasion BS got blown out of the water.

    It seems now that “Awareness” is now a full blown avalanche ready to bury the left in all of it’s lies and criminality of the last hundred years. The ending may not be pretty, but then again, they have been abusing US and asking for IT for a very long time. They seemed to forget the old sayings “Be careful what you wish for, you will eventually receive it” or possibly “I fear all they have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve”. I think the tide has changed direction.

  4. what I’ve said all along is do you really think a bunch of unskilled 3rd-world ‘workers’ could have created the civilization we have built? … & maintain it? the progtards seem to think so … at least the progtard sheeple have been taught to believe so.
    what do they can create? other than mud huts, teepees, yurts or wikiups without Western cooperation & guidance? … as much as progtard women want to believe this would create a society in harmony w/ Mother Nature, there are very few of them that would give up the comforts of the modern civilization that Western Man has built for such a way of life

    … why do you think all the flotsam & jetsom of the world are banging on our doors?

  5. Thank you, Woody!

    This warms my heart. We have been craving masculinity without knowing what it was we were missing.

    When I moved to small-town Michigan last year, I was floored by the number of men holding doors for me, waving me on in traffic and no man buns within a 50 mile radius!

    Woody, I pray that it will not take 30 years for the “arc of unnatural humanness” to come to an end.

  6. Well, the pendulum never stops swinging, that’s for sure. Now that we’ve had nigh on 50 years of bra burning and feminazi sexism, it’s time for the pendulum to start swinging in the other direction again.

    But let’s not lose the good parts, the lessons, of what we’ve been through in that time. We now know that most women are murdered by a boyfriend or husband (former and current). We know that in the U.S. a woman is raped about every minute and a half and that 50% of those rapes happen to women under the age of 30.

    We also know that women earn just as much as men, and sometimes more, when they have the same job as a man. That is the best news of all because that’s what the real feminist movement was all about in the first place. Another good thing is that women’s health research is now common, where before we had to rely on the results taken from male studies.

    Sometimes things have to get a little nuts — go a little too far — before we learn our lessons. Maybe when the men are men again, women can stop being so militant about the whole matter because so many of the things that make them militant have been addressed. So men, mind yourselves, control your impulses, and teach some (real) sexual restraint to your boys and it’ll all work out.

  7. Well I could have written that if my IQ was not in the 90’s. I have always liked to read intellectual
    comments on this site. Woody always does a nice job. Sometimes I have to ask my wife
    if a comment means what I think it means.
    My biggest problem is focusing. Oh Look. shiny keys.
    Now where was I

  8. Feminism was never about liberating women. It has always been about the subjugation of men in order for women to take over the natural authoritative role assigned to men by God himself.
    The advances in women’s health, employment/careers, conveniences were inevitable based on the social, technical, medical breakthoughs that continue to benefit everyone in society.
    Feminism cannot be credited for any positive effects on society – in fact just the opposite. For example, women are far more likely to have heart attacks and suffer strokes than they ever did before the 70’s – the beginning of the radical feminist era. Abortion has taken a horrible toll on western populations, especially in Europe, another fallout thanks to feminism. The negatives of feminism are numerous and expansive. Far too many to mention in this comment.
    As for the deterioration of morality and it’s affect on womem, we can again blame the godless idiologies like feminism, which nihilistic, communist roots have waylaid generations of men who have no idea of their role as protectors of, yes, the weaker sex – woman and offspring – children as he submits to The True and Living God.
    There is at least one beneifit to a scourge of evil such as feminism, that is the God inspired resurgence of masculinity. There maybe hope for us after all if it’s not too late – God willing.

  9. Woody’s comments are excellent. One caveat, though, we may not have a lot of time or enough real men to right the ship. Factors like marxist indoctination of our educational system, bloated government bureaucracy and deviant culture etc are major hurdles. It wont be easy.

  10. Boys always start off more rough and tumble than girls. Take my toddler grandson for instance, nobody taught him to make gun sounds with toy guns or his finger, it came naturally to him and nobody stops him.
    He’s always just had girls around his age to play with and recently his parents became acquainted with parents that live 10 minutes away who have boys, one just a year older than him. He’s always played nice with the little girls, but the first day he started playing with boys, he was pushing, shoving, and all around rough housing.
    Thank goodness he has parents that realize he’s a boy and thank goodness his new little friends have parents that realize the same.

    A feminist Mom though would be having vapors telling him boys keep their hands to themselves and don’t play so rough. I doubt they’d ever have a toy gun and they’d probably faint if their little Johnny made gun sounds.

  11. @Mighty Mojo June 22, 2018 at 9:29 pm

    Freedom for women in this country was exemplified by Annie Oakley and tough pioneer women. They were the real feminists, not these Ho-wood actresses.

    When I was a young kid, my dad told me the story of Annie Oakley. Neither he nor I, nor anyone else I know ever played down her accomplishments as a sharpshooter because she was a woman.

  12. @Anonymous June 23, 2018 at 1:42 am

    We have to have tough men. They have historically been the protectors of women and children. They are not so much now, because the culture has turned bad and masculinity is now “toxic”. Now-a-days, there is a good chance that a good boy will turn into a pervert or a druggie or just a no-goodnik. I’ve seen it enough times and know how often it happens.

    Nobody is saying that women should not serve in the armed forces, but it takes a lot of tough alpha males to hunt down and kill adversaries without a moment’s thought or guilt.

    As Churchill said after WWII was over, the free world owed its freedom to rough men who were willing to fight, kill, and die for their homes.

    I am not ready to play nice with foreigners who want our destruction. Playing nice with them is dependent upon one thing -them learning to live in peace with us – or die.

    The world finding peace and everyone being nice to each other with no more wars is maybe centuries, even millenia, in the future. I don’t see it on the horizon at all.

  13. @Tim Buktu

    Precisely my point. Women, throughout history have been strong and partnered with strong men. Despite the progressives, that is the ‘norm’.

    I am often shocked by foreign films or TV, showing men with hairy arms and chests. Hollywood has gone a long way with the progressive goal of dehumanizing people. No wonder they push robots! That is their final goal; absolute loss of ‘self’ and complete subjugation if us, the ‘deplorables”.

    That is why congress hates President Trump. The people dared to elect an outsider.

  14. The only way Leftists get ahead is by dragging everyone else down to their level of Suck! They can’t stand competition so they eliminate it. That’s why they love Socialism. It makes everyone equal…. equally bad. Which is why Socialism and Communism always fail except in certain cases like China where they have learned how to finance Communism with Capitalism, and we let them!

  15. Funny how proggs have no problem with the masculinity being projected by black gang bangers who blow each other away at the slightest hint of “disrespect”, and the masculinity of the hip hop culture which reduces women to bitches and hos and turns the love act into animalistic rutting, because THAT, conceivably IS toxic masculinity

    But if they did that, they’d have to make the obvious connection between this toxic culture and the hundreds of thousands of black men who have been killed because of it in the past forty years. At which point they might realize that this number is 100 times greater than the number of black men lynched in the past 150 years

    But if they did that, they’d have to look at their loathsome selves in the mirror and come to terms with the insanely destructive, hypocritical scum that they truly are


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